Sun 20 Mar, 2016 04:39 pm
Most who know me here are aware that I do not hold most of the current crop of Democrats in high esteem. Sometimes they are better than the Republicans, but not as often as Democrats like to think. There are a few exceptions, most notably, Warren. My assessment includes Obama. Even Obamacare is ultimately less than a resounding success, because the chance to do it right was squandered. I have to say, though, Obama did a wonderful thing to open up Cuba the way he did. I think he was the only president that would have done it for maybe another decade. (Not sure how Sanders would have handled it, but I can't see Clinton or any Republican doing that) I believe the only way Cuba will evolve into a democracy is by having normalized relations with this country.
Edgar, I agree with you. Too many democrates are bought and paid for by the 1%. But when you compare the majority of the rebublicans with the majority of democrates I have to go democratic.
I agree too, normalized relations with Cuba would probably be a really good thing for Cubans who live here. Wonder what they think about it.
Looked it up, they seem to be split, kind of surprising.
Cuban Americans split over Obama’s trip to Havana
I am a believer, in Cuba's case, that time heals the wounds. I grew up during the turmoil that led to the revolution and am not at all surprised at the resistance shown by many Cubans, to cozying up to that government. However, I see it as inevitable and necessary.
It can't help but be a boon to our economy if normal relations are established smoothly.
snood wrote:
It can't help but be a boon to our economy if normal relations are established smoothly.
I believe you've hit the nail on the head, since Europe was benefiting from the tourist trade to Cuba, so finally the U.S. decided to get in on the action, so to speak, and heck with the Cuban families that just remember their family losing their wealth/homes, etc.
The only thing I wonder about is if Miami wasn't so close and hospitable, what might have happened to all those Cuban blancos that had to arrive in Miami as poor as church mice?
Foofie wrote:I believe you've hit the nail on the head, since Europe was benefiting from the tourist trade to Cuba, ...
I don't know how and why Europe had benefited from the tourist trade to Cuba, but actually the figures of tourists from the various countries are quite interesting: on page 6 of this
official brochure [pdf]