CSI is a show that revolves around a Las Vegas crime scene investigation team (C.S.I). They always begin the show with the CSI's hanging out at the crime scene. Usually the rest of the crew is on the way or already working gathering evidence. The techniques used are realitivity accurate as is the technology but because they only have 1 hour a week to solve a murder, they tend to do things that can only be done on tv. (like having the CSI's in the autopsy room to discuss the case with the medical examiner, which doesn't happen in real life but is necessary to help "unravel the case" for the CSI's and the viewers. Or having the lead CSI, Grissom, work both in the field and in the lab with everything from entomology to DNA. Real life techs are specialized, not well rounded).
The show as a whole is great but some of it is not entirely realistic.
But, we over look the fact that their CSI's are all geniuses who work both lab and field because the show is great!
The basic plot of the show is to find the evidence that confirms who murdered the victim! Let the evidence do the talking through various forms of forensic technology. It isn't too graphic but if you are really squeamish, there are a few times you'd be grossed out.
There are 2 story lines in every show. They don't always solve both murders but usually do. Bits of humor, drama, sadness, trauma...you name it and this show has it.