Question of strategy: how do you use 'Swap the Inactive Players'
function? For the life of me, I don't know when to use it or what it does
(rather than doing it ...manually)?
I don't use it. It will swap in active players from your bench to fill the
slots of inactive players if it can. But it will not necessarily make the
smart move. Looking at your roster, you might want to move a player
out of a UTIL position to fill the slot and the fill the UTIL position with
the best player on your bench.
How do you manage batters/players who get benched or removed at the
last minute... the dreaded X. When and how do you watch and work with
it? Do you mark down each game-time and check 15-30 mins before or
what is the time you check that is useful?
That's probably the best thing to do and it's the thing I always say I'm
going to do. But I always get there too late.
Also another strategy issue: when a game-day player's game is PPD,
shouldn't you be allowed to fill that missing position that player would
have been filling?
I don't know. I've never tried to do that.