Quote:There is no such thing as something that is free, yet comes with conditions--conditions such as a death sentence for choosing "freely." For I say unto you: Will is free, or it is not.
And more importantly, how it is that you and I have come to possess the power to threaten the survival of this [God's] objective. Who dost thou think thou art?
In the realm of expression of freedom There are countless examples of it coming with limitations (free speech/ yelling fire in a theater, etc). I can't think of any exception to freedom coming with limitations except for the freedom to decide for yourself where your loyalty lies which is the essence of free will in the context of this discussion.
But in the world you live in today, even the expression of free will is not limited by God. As I said before, the situations in which you or any other person could threaten God's main objective no longer exist (as it did in the time of Noah). The people whose loyalty belongs to God are too many and wide spread for anyone to be a threat to all who follow him.
Unless you want to make your case by citing those few exceptions in the long ago past, there is no practical limit to even your expression of free will by God.
Quote:Also, perhaps this would be a good time for you to expound on just what the main objective of the god is;
That is a good question and one that is too rarely asked. I hope I can do it justice.
The reason it is so rarely thought about are the almost universal misconceptions about God himself. He is usually portrayed by religions as Omnipotent, a being so alien to man that we have no hope of comprehending him. A being with no needs that man could understand let alone fill.
Conversely, those without beliefs look at religion and see their God as some powerful but pathetic angry child threatening all who do not follow his arbitrary rules with death and/or torture for even thinking incorrectly. If you hold either of these views there is no chance you could ever come to know God's main objective. And even if you let go of those stereotypes I doubt you can fully grasp the simple truth of it without going to him yourself, but nevertheless, I will try.
I do not pretend to know the origin of God. I only know of him by first recognizing the workings of an intelligence other than man's and then by appealing to it for understanding. I do not hear voices (well, there was that one brief time) but by a process I won't have time to describe, he led me to know these things.
The basic scenario is not hard to visualize once you accept the possibility of a benevolent God not so different in nature than yourself other than not having physical limitations. Imagine yourself as this sentient being completely alone in existence. Intelligence naturally demands interaction, it craves grist for the mill, something to engage with. To put it simply, once you have mastered your surroundings, you long for companionship.
Having nothing but yourself to work with, creating a companion demands that you give of your own substance and power. So in spite of the inherent risk, you do. Having wanted and waited so long for it, you want it to be a worthy companion, able to relate to you as an equal. You separate yourself into equal parts, identical in every way except one. The created recognizes himself as having come from the creator, and so becomes the only begotten Son of God.
You may ask, with such a perfect companion why would either of them want more? Again, intelligence, sentience, self awareness or whatever you call it, demands it. We want variety. Rather than subdividing themselves as God did with his Son, they decided on something different in the interest of variety. And so began the plan of our creation.
It is not over yet but someday we will be ready to be companions of God. That is his main objective.