Sun 28 Feb, 2016 08:21 am
Yeah ! ! !
Many happy returns! (I don't know why we say that. Do people only return things to the shops on their birthday? Darned ol' girl anyway . . . )
Happy Birthday!
Here is a new one for you!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and I hope your birthday wish comes true.
I was swept up in Oscar fever. Hope I'm not contagious.
Happy belated Butterflyday!
A Very Happy Birthday. Keep em up.
Thank you everyone. My birthday gift to myself was part two of the surgery started in November.
Surgery was yesterday and I am being discharged tomorrow evening. Everything went well. Details are on Facebook. Should be a minimum 2 week recovery but I should be back to reading and posting in a week. I am still very loopy from anesthesia and pain meds so won't be posting much other than to say I am home.
Heal fast. Be well. And celebrate! Better late than never.
Happy birthday. And happy recovery days ahead.
I hope your surgery was not for anything serious.