Sat 18 Jan, 2003 03:16 pm
No matter how many times I hear the tired rhetoric about Bush being so oil hungry, it is still hard for me to believe that many people seem to believe oil is the motive for war with Iraq.
Venezuela is packed with oil, and a little distracted of late.
Why Iraq and not Venezuela?
Why do think it is merely tired rhetoric?
Will be on the next turn.
The talking heads chosen to represent the liberal side of the 'War Debate", cite oil as the one and only reason Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld are headed toward war with Saddam. They refuse to entertain any other reason.
My question is why let Venezuela slide, if this is true.
Its as if Saddam Hussein is an innocent by-stander.
That's clever Walter, especially if you put it together yourself.
That's an interesting question, Lash. Maybe you should toss in Nigeria and Mexico. They also have oil to export, but where are the war drums? Plain fact is, if what the world wanted was Iraqi oil, is it remotely possible that the world, through the UN, would lift the embargo? Or would that make too much sense?
it has also been put forth that this war is about junior setting matters right for his daddy, so there's another reason the "liberals" site......
Bradford Stop The War Coalition-webside, roger, "a loose grouping of individuals and organisations who are united in our horror of a war that is killing thousands of innocent people", not me.
Just a sec.
I wouldn't count Venezuela off so quickly.
The guys who are organizing the strike at PEDEVESA (the country's oil company) are pro US.
The government's rethoric is anti-US. But most of the exports go the the US, and US companies manage a lot of the steps of production.
roger, I resent you putting Mexico, on any level, in this agenda.
Political tranquility, pro-US government, key exporter for the US strategic reserve...
And we ALL (regardless of our political stance on or how much we like or dislike the American government) know we are not allowed to mess too much with the favorite dish of our hungry, gigantic, sometimes aggressive neighbor of the North.
Those danged liberals!
(Actually, I'm sure BushII is exceedingly pleased to be in a position to clean up what I believe WAS his daddy's and Colin Powell's mess.)
My apologies, fbaezer. The references to Mexico and Nigeria were an attempt to point out the absurdity of a war with Iraq to gain control of her oil when one of her major goals is to resume production and export of oil. Likewise, Lash was not actually proposing invasion of Venezuela. At your request, I would be happy to edit the offending post into non existance.
I should clarify, noticing the vein of your post.
I started this thread as a satire of the, IMO, ridiculous notion that the only reason the US is nearing war with Iraq is over oil.
I would never advocate any aggressive action toward any country, including Iraq for oil. It's global thievery of the lowest form.
I am sorry if that was not made clear. Sincere apologies.
Lash - the Iraqi situation is composed of many elements, but one of them is the control of the oil fields. Which isn't surprising, given the nature and backgrounds of so many in Bush's cabinet. Now, of course, it's getting complicated, with the Kurds in the north taking a hard look at them, and the oil-producing Arab states thinking about control. But a war with Iraq is not proving to be the cut and dried affair they thought it would be.
As for Venezuela - we seem never to have had much to do with South American affairs. They are a large supplier, but it is possible if you take on Venezuela, you take on much more than just that country. The economics of it all are daunting, too.
And, since the Bush people keep talking about an ethnic vote, we have a far larger Spanish speaking group here than we do Arabic.
Please don't tell me you really buy this bull about Bush marshalling troops to get him and his family some ME oil.
No, Lash - not for him. What I truly believe about this whole Iraq fiasco is that it is primarily a ploy to get George re-elected - to get him back into the heroic leader phase. But yes, I believe the oil is part of it. And maybe part of it is to clean up Daddy's mess (and father George has been absent from the scene) although that's not a very adult stand.
And before you holler at me - my eyes are falling out and I must get to sleep - so I will be back tomorrow.
Me, holler?
Great enjoyment during dialogue with you!!!
Luxurious sleep to you.
no misadventure please.
Save the poor innocent slaves who risk their lives to expose your barbaric leader's ignorance..
Re: Venezuelan oil. Why don't we have a war for that?
Lash Goth wrote:No matter how many times I hear the tired rhetoric about Bush being so oil hungry, it is still hard for me to believe that many people seem to believe oil is the motive for war with Iraq.
Venezuela is packed with oil, and a little distracted of late.
Why Iraq and not Venezuela?
I've never believed the oil war reasoning, but Venezuela is sending us all their oil now while Iraq was sending none (or just oil for food oil). No need to attack Venezuela.