Potty training a boy?

Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2004 12:23 pm

Hi! I'm proud to say that my little man went all day yesterday and today without any potty accidents (during awake hours). My questions are as follows:
While awake the past 2 days he has been totally naked. His birthday suit is his favored attire and now that he's been allowed to be nude, he won't keep clothes on. Any tips on getting him to wear 'big boy undies'? We went to a store and picked out 'Bob the Builder' undies, which he's very excited about, but still won't put them on. In the past when he's worn underwear, that's when he has accidents....
Also, when do you suggest trying to get him to go through the night? Any tips? Should he be in a normal bed vs. the crib?
Oh, another issue is that he is very verbally delayed and basically can't speak more then a couple of words intelligably.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2004 12:58 pm
Re: Potty training a boy?
Jen74 wrote:

Hi! I'm proud to say that my little man went all day yesterday and today without any potty accidents (during awake hours). My questions are as follows:
While awake the past 2 days he has been totally naked. His birthday suit is his favored attire and now that he's been allowed to be nude, he won't keep clothes on. Any tips on getting him to wear 'big boy undies'? We went to a store and picked out 'Bob the Builder' undies, which he's very excited about, but still won't put them on. In the past when he's worn underwear, that's when he has accidents....
Also, when do you suggest trying to get him to go through the night? Any tips? Should he be in a normal bed vs. the crib?
Oh, another issue is that he is very verbally delayed and basically can't speak more then a couple of words intelligably.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

How old is your "little man?" I remember my boys running around w/teeshirts on and no pants for the potty training time at home... It's just easier that way... Nothing wrong w/being "nakey," as we called it here... Wink Make sure he uses the potty before you leave the house to go on trips. If he complains he doesn't have to go, try the old, "hit the cheerio" game (toss some cheerios in the toilet and have him aim for them.) You'll be surprised at what he can squeeze out even when he claims he's empty to play a game... Wink For night, limit drinks after dinner, have him go before bedtime, carry him in to use before you go to sleep, put a rubber sheet under his regular sheet... I always liked moving kids from a crib to a junior bed, but at the same time, I coslept w/my kids so they didn't really use either bed except for naps until they were about 5 years old, and by then we used a regular bed for them.
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Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2004 01:07 pm
Oops, I missed the part about him being verbally delayed. Boys often are, I'm sure you already know. Just get him lots of books and read to him all the time. Don't get too hung up on his delays yourself, don't push him to say this word, then that word. Try getting him tosing along with songs. Some kids prefer singing to talking. Try not to encourage baby-talk or jibberish, but use actual words for things. He'll talk just fine when he's good and ready to, more likely than not... Smile
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Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2004 01:09 pm

My little man is 2 years and 7 months. He's been trying to potty train himself for awhile now, but after a couple hours he'd lose interest, and we'd have to clean up! I think he and I are both determined at this point and it's going well....
You made me think of another question, however! He tinkles sitting down. That's how they do it at his school, so I went along with it. I'm starting to understand why girls get 'trained' earlier! They don't have to do the stand up, sit down thing! Anyone have suggestions on when to start him standing up?
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Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2004 01:14 pm
thank you, princess. We actually have him in speech therapy and will most likely be eligable to start preschool 'special-ed' in Jan. that focusses on speech. He understands everything, but has trouble communicating...although he thinks we can understand what he says. Needless to say, things like 'big boy beds' and potty training are that much more of a challenge when we're not certain what he's saying, thinking, etc.
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Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2004 01:23 pm
Do the speech therapists have you all rolling up your tongues and such? It's a muscle, some need practice to make it work... I have some friends who have children w/speech delays who sign what they mean when they can't say what they mean... Sometimes that's a temporary solution, sometimes not...

Standing up vs. sitting down usually gets resolved by the time they go to kindergarten, but if you're worried, find some bigger boys and men to take him potty and he'll emulate them, I'm sure.
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Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 12:36 pm
Hello! After 4 boys and potty training them all I finally decided with my last one it is not worth the fight. when he turned two I was determined he was going to learn no matter what. well he had other ideas, so after a few tears and me being stressed i decided to let him do it on his own. I bought his training underwear and put them on, showed him where his potty was and that was it. it took him awhile and several accidents but he is potty trained and has no more accidents even at night! He is now three and has been potty trained since right before his 3rd birthday. They will let you know what is comfortable to them and when they are ready. btw my son has been in a regular bed since he turned three. I think at three is a good time to put away the crib. It makes them feel big.
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Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 12:38 pm
Regarding the speech, my niece turned two in march and she only says a few words also. I think that kids are all different and they will progress on their own schedules. give him time and read to him every day!
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Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2004 01:25 am
well, Zach has been accident free for 6 days....but only when he's naked. He now refuses to wear clothes at home. Tomorrow I'm going to have a another talk with him about wearing underwear, but thus far it has failed. He is so ready and excited about the potty, but he doesn't want to wear anything on the bottom, and when he does, he has accidents. sigh...
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