White House Warns of Terror Strike
Preelection Threat Not Based on New Data, Official Says
By Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, August 13, 2004; Page A05
The Bush administration believes more strongly than ever that al Qaeda terrorists plan to try to influence the presidential race with a massive preelection attack, a strike that is more likely to come in August or September than in October, a White House official said yesterday.
The official ratcheted up administration warnings of an election-related attack on a day when President Bush and Vice President Cheney were on the campaign trail contending that Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) would be a weak commander in chief. Some Democrats accuse the White House of issuing repeated terrorism warnings to inspire fear so voters will hesitate to change leaders with the nation under threat.
Should this threatened attack occur how would it effect the election? Who's election bid would be strengthened?
From the terrorists point of view who do you think they would rather see in office. Bush or Kerry?