Thu 12 Aug, 2004 08:44 am
It seems like our options for president have narrowed down to 2 feasible candidates who are both Skull and Bones members (sorry Nader fans). What role do you guys think the seceret society of the skull and bones or the New world order has on this election? and world politics?
There have been many rumoursa that the skull and bones are the original reason for the Gulf war and the current war in Iraq.
From what I have seen, there is not much evidence to support the idea that the Skull and Bones were responsible for the Gulf War. Many interests were served in that conflict, it would be hard to pin blame on one particular group.
Another interesting group to look at would be to find evidence for the Carlyl group [sp]. I have not found much, but I do know that Bush is connected through his father, and it has to do with oil. From what I was told about it, the Carlyl group has so much money involved that it somewhat creates an oligarchy in America.
Quickly, Tipu-Tib, fetch me my tinfoil hat!
We've stumbled into the Chuck Harder show.
Re: Are we screwed? Kerry anf Bush both Skull and Bones mem
clubernj wrote:Kerry anf Bush both Skull and Bones members.
It's a matter of common knowledge.
well, but why the police or any other not to encroach to this group?
Re: Are we screwed? Kerry anf Bush both Skull and Bones mem
all jokes aside, why want nobody the group discover, the police or someone else?
When this nation was founded by slave owners who slaughtered practically an entire race of people to get what they wanted while declaring in the sight of God that all men are created equal we were may take hundreds of years, but the wheel of karma rolls around......
I'm thankful to be an American and I love it here but I fear for my descendants......