CoastalRat wrote:Ok, so the co-author is an idiot. Does that automatically disqualify the issues brought up in the book? Gosh, I think Michael Moore is a lying pig, so does that automatically disqualify the issues he addresses in his movie?
No, not at all. To contend otherwise would be to engage in an
ad hominem argument. Corsi is, I think, quite clearly an idiot, but there's nothing that says that idiots are always wrong. Occasionally, idiots can be irrefutably correct, and Corsi may indeed be the rare idiot who believes that Katie Couric is a communist
and who is also a scrupulous, fair, and thorough scholar.
On the other hand, it is certainly suggestive of the type of reasoning that Corsi uses in forming his opinions. After learning more about Corsi, I think it is difficult to accept, on its face, Blankley's assertion that the book "has the ring of sincerity to it, and the mark of careful research and writing."
CoastalRat wrote:Guess it all evens out in the end, doesn't it?

No, it doesn't.