rae...renters insurance is like the cheapest thing...considering what it covers....go get some gal!!!!
Okay....my camera I guess ... only cuz I cant strap the filing cabinet to my butt very easily and Id think I wouldnt have enough time.
Fire - What's the one thing you will save
Family pictures
I've yet to see a hearse with a U-Haul attached to it!
As we mature, we detach ... I think?
Rae, I let my renter's insurance lapse. I bought a fire extinguisher.
Misti, Not sure I agree. I think that as we mature we detach from some things and attach to others. What I treasured 20 years ago looks like just so much junk to me now. And what I didn't give a second thought to 20 years ago I now view to be of value.
Let's face it. There's stuff and then there's STUFF.
I don't own a fire extinguisher, there's one out in the hallway of my building. In the meantime, I have 2 very large buckets near the kitchen sink,which I can fill up with water as needed for any fire.
Knowing me - probably nothing. Well no, my purse. And hopefully my wallet and all is in it.
Heeven, I am still awed by your preparation. It makes a lot of sense if I think about it. I would never do it but I wish I would.
Hi Roberta. Family photos, as long as everybody, including animals, were safe.
Like to be independent, but definitely family portraits and portrait of daddy in the Air Force, young, handsome.
The amassed records for filing my 1040. I can't even envision the problems with getting duplicates.
Hi Roberta!
Now that my cats are safe, what would I take?
Hmmm, I thought long & hard & decided that no THING was so important that I'd risk life & limb to go in & grab it. Time willing, I would probably grab my voluminous bag, which I carry everywhere .... it holds my address book & mobile to contact people, pens, etc ... then a quick glass of wine to gird my loins

& I'm outa here!
Family photos. A few women would grab their purses. I'm not sure I could do without mine.
Tax stuff!
I've been thinking about this since I posted it. I've been looking at the responses. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I've narrowed it down to two things (not including my purse). I have a drawer full of jewelry. I would consider grabbing the drawer because I would have something of value after the fire. But more importantly I'd have saved my parents' wedding rings and my grandmother's engagement ring.
On the other hand, I might grab the hard copy of the novel I wrote. If the fire gets the computer, that would be the only thing I had left of it.
Maybe I could throw the manuscript and my purse in the drawer with the jewelry. Is that cheating?
Roberta, take the whole chest of drawers - stuff it before you leave!
I'm not an organized person really - the rest of my apartment is a mess! No color codes on my refrigerator. I'm lucky if I can find milk that's not past its sell-by date!
However this did happen to a friend of mine and she was left with NOTHING! It really freaked me out, since I took her in after the fire and went with her to the embassy, IRS, credit card companies, etc., etc., to get her life back together and the hassle and cost it took was unbelieveable.
I vowed right there and then to be prepared, just in case, and once I packed the important documents into a handy tote and left them near the exit, I've felt more comfortable ever since.
Besides, our fire alarm goes off every six months or so (and I really do smell smoke) so I get to practise exiting ... in an orderly fashion ... at least twice a year.
PLUS, guess what my occupation is? I am a risk manager!! I am actually responsible for the emergency evacuation at my company - I wrote up the plan, etc., so I know what I'm doing. I could imagine my colleagues if I found myself standing outside my home in nothing but bunny slippers after all the crap I put them through to be organized and make plans for just such an eventuality! Lovely!
The dogs are out? i'd grab the wallet with the insurance info in it and a giant coat. I've seen what people go through when disaster hits and they don't have home owner's or tenants packages - i do not want to be on the other side - not at all nice - especially when you realize how cheap the insurance is - less than the value of what most people have in their underwear drawers. (yes i figured it out once)
Heeven, your plan sounds like the way i used to have things when i travelled for work. It was the only time in my life i had pj's with a matching robe - i was terrified of being seen in a hotel lobby in a ripped t-shirt and men's boxer briefs under a suit jacket. Before i went to sleep, i'd arrange things by the door so i'd be able to grab my briefcase, the lap top, the car keys, and the robe.
if my animals were out, i'd grab my flannel shirts, and boxers that i don't wear. i could auction them off. they seem to be a pretty hot item around here lately.
Mikey, I'm sure the Girl Scouts got them. LOL.
All of them?
jeeesh....rough bunch of wimmens those Girl Scouts. I thought they just sold cookies and stuff.
My laptop. And I've got to have my purse!