Help!!!!! Is there anyone out there like me. I am sitting here, less than a week from my 32nd birthday, wondering when my life will begin. I am single, childless and my house is a wreck. My father passed away almost 3 years ago, October. My fiance and I split 2 months after his death after my recently widowed mother backed him in a corner a demanded her set a date for the wedding, while he was in the middle of buying a coorperation, a very stressful time for him and our relathionship. Needless to say that was the kick that it needed to start a quick downward decline to the end. After this ending I made the decision to leave Colorado and to move to Georgia where my parents resided to do the "daughterly duty" and be close to my mother and help take care of her as her health is not the best. Since, moving her she has dominated my life, very demanding and inpatient when needing help with things. I work full time for a family practice physican who is also my mothers physican. She will call me numerous time throughout the day for what i consider silly reasons, or just stop by cause she dosn't feel well. She has has been admitted to the hospital at least 6 times in the last year and is currently flat on her back, with back pain that has been going on for almost 3 weeks. I feel I am always on call and she demands that I jump whenever she calls. Oh, and did I fail to mention, that when she is well, she is running around acting like a 16 year old and chasing men and booking plain tickets to meet men she met on the internet??? I don't know what to do, I am burned out beyond belief, would love to meet someone and settle down and have children of my own to burn out when I get to her age.

I just feel like I am drowning, I have gnats flying around my head as I typed as I have had to time to do my own dishes in almost 2 weeks, well gotta run, she is on the phone, the cat threw up, gotta drive 30 minutes to go clean it up. Help, anyone got any advise??????