Heart problem

Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 01:00 am
n August while conditioning with my college softball team I experienced shortness of breath, dizziness, and could feel my heart racing and felt like I was going to pass out. I thought it could possibly be my heart but I also thought maybe I was paranoid because my mom was currently in the hospital for an inflammation on her pericardium and my dad had previously had a stint put in his heart. I've always experienced shortness of breath during exercises but I always figured I had asthma or something. But In November I also experienced a little chest pressure and burning in my chest so I decided to go to my doctor. I found out I had WPW syndrome. I then went to see a cardiologist. He ran a stress test and did a ultrasound. He didn't find anything on the stress test, and nothing really on the ultrasound, but he did say it looked like my mitral valve was buckling a little bit but he didn't think it could be causing me any problems. He then out me on a cardiac event monitor for 21 days. From that he determined he didn't think my WPW syndrome was what was causing my symptoms, so something else was going on. He then sent me to get blood drawn to do a CBC, complete metabolic panel, and TSH. He didn't find anything besides I'm slightly anemic, not enough to be causing my problems. Last time I saw him he said he's gonna set me up with an electro physiologist and get his opinion and see what he says and if we get nothing from him, than we'll do a CT of my heart. Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong with me? Please help me.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 01:09 am
A lot of us here are pretty smart and a few have medical training. But none of us would be so irresponsible as to offer medical opinions on this site other than to recommend you consult your doctor or doctors for additional opinions. In fact, it is against a2k rules to offer such advice.

That being said, I wish you good health and a speedy resolution to your problem.
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Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 05:28 am
You're doing the right thing with pursuing all of the medical and cardiac tests. Continue to see this EPS doctor. It would be irresponsible and unethical for anyone in online forum to guess what is wrong. Furthermore, it'd be a disservice to you.

I will encourage you to pursue the path that you are doing now. I did the same thing when I discovered I had heart problems. I followed the same path and it was the right thing. EPS doctors are very knowledgeable about really specialized electrical issues and physics involved with the heartbeat.

They'll find the problem soon. Very hard not be anxious. Anxiety contributes a minor part to your discomfort but doesn't cause the problem.

Good luck and come back and let us know how it turns out.
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Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 11:32 am
Your symptom are familiar to me and I KNOW that I have heart trouble - 4 stents worth.My symptons today have greatly reduced which sshows that heart muscle can, and does, improve with time. BUT we are all different.
I believe that you should not treat this lightly especiially when you have heart problems within the family.
Also Doctors are all different too - get a second opinion.!
Ken Green
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donna downing
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 05:59 pm
Hey Kctara

I'm sorry about your recent health worries. I know how you feel and I urge you to maintain resolve and calm down. Just do the necessary precautionary measures and you'll be okay.

You seems to be showing signs of anxiety. If all health diagnosis is cleared and no physical health issue is found then consider being checked by a mental health care provider. Your issue can be psychological.

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