Episode: War
[b]Ali G:[/b] "....WAR, [i]huh[/i], wot is it good for?"
"Well, for st[i]a[/i]rt, it sorts out who is str[i]o[/i]ngest hav the two cantries."
"Also, you get to see some am[i]a[/i]zing hecksplosions. But ers some people out there who not only don't enjoy the war but they try to spoil the fun for everyone else. And those chickens is called the [i]You [/i]En.
Me went to New York to meet these player haters. To hapreciate the political himplications of this next piece me should point out that the word 'bellend' means the end of a man's beast."
[holds up a helpful graphic]
So off he goes to the "united Nations of Benneton" and the next bit is an interview with former UN secretary general Boutros Boutros Ghali.
Ali G: Boo ya ka sha, I is 'ere with the geezer 'ho was the secrety genral of the United Nations. 'is name be none other than my man, Boutros Boutros Boutros Ghali. And 'im will aksplain about the.. United Nations, in't it?"
[looks over at Boutros Boutros Ghali, who is a great sport in this interview]
[b]Ali G:[/b] "How many countries is in the UN?"
[b]Ghali:[/b] "If I'm not wrong, according to the last statistics, they must have more than 180 countries."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "Is [i]Disneyland [/i]a member of the UN?"
[b]Ghali:[/b] "[i]No[/i], because Disneyland is not an independent state."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "Do you think in a hundred year's time, Disneyland, or Dieney World could 'ave a seat?"
[b]Ghali:[/b] "[i]No[/i], Disneyland is.. is.. is not doing politics. Disneyland is..."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "[i]Well[/i]..."
[gestures with his hands as if it's a tricky issue]
"....some of them is. Some of them characters."
I skip a few questions about language, when Ali G tries to make Boutros Boutros Ghali admit that some of the languages spoken in the UN are funny, and tries to get him to pin down the one that is the funniest ("it's French, in't it?" "I'm the secretary general.." "but there must 'av been one..." "I have to have a poker face, like this").
Ali G gets him to teach him how to say "****" ("sheik?" "no crap rubbish") in French, and asks how to spell it (writing it down).
I skip his whole visit to the security council room. At the end he sits in Kofi Annan's seat and writes a note saying "Dear Prezy, Saddam iz a bellend, sort him out" 10 minutes before an SC meeting on Iraq.
The next part is a funny interview with various religious figures, but there are missing parts (when the Catholic refuses to put on the Jew's cap angrily) that were
really funny.
[b]Ali G:[/b] "Can god do better stuff than David Blane?"
[b]An atheist woman:[/b] "There've always been magicians and there always will be, and some of them... claim to be [i]really [/i]producing magic.."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "So ain't god just like an overhyped David Blane?"
[b][i]Very [/i]stern catholic priest:[/b] "No.. and a lot of people would find that suggestion very offensive."
[b]Ali G, raising hands:[/b] "Yo.. sorry....
If God 'as got all these amazing powers, why don't he flex it evry day, like if he was got it flaunt it like my mate Dave 'es got a nine-incher and it gets out all the time. God should be.. [i]showing [/i]his powers."
The Catholic is [i]scowling[/i].
Skips more...
[b]Ali G:[/b] "What day is he (the main man, the mac daddy of the Christian faith, Jesus meant to have been born on?"
[b]Catholic Priest:[/b] "We celebrate his birth on the 25th of December."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "Isn't that a [i]coincidence [/i]that he was born on Christmas day?"
[b]Catholic Priest:[/b] "No..."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "Why did Jesus go around with all them reindeer?"
Skipping more...
[b]Ali G, to the Jew (much better sport than the Catholic and seems to understand that it's a joke):[/b] "Let's talk about some rituals.. [i]why [/i]do you chop.. one of your nuts off?"
[b]Jew:[/b] "Well you're a little bit off target, it's the foreskin.."
Skipping the rest, when he asks if they'd marry out of religion etc.
The next bit was the etiquette classes as the Borat character ("should you be polite to all" "yes" "should you be polite to prostitutes" "..yes, because... that's what they do" "how much is polite to tip them?") and dinner squinney mentioned. I'll skip that, as Borat relies even more on the nuance of speech than the Ali G character does.
[b]Ali G, interviewing General Brent Scrowcroft (former national security advisor):[/b] "When you was involved in the Vietnam war, did you ever think of changing sides?"
[b]General Scrowcroft:[/b] "No.. never thought about chaning sides."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "Would you have switched sides if them would have offered you like.. a thoudand dollars more.. a [i]week[/i]?"
[b]General Scrowcroft:[/b] "No."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "No.. a.. a [i]week[/i]. A week. Not like a year.. a week."
[b]General Scrowcroft:[/b] "No amount of money.... would you push your mother off a cliff for a thousand dollars a week?"
Ali G thinks long and hard and somberly answers: "no.."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "What about if they offered you, like a top of the range Lexus? .... a [i]new [/i]one.. with 20 inch rims, and like.. a massive necklace made out of bling-bling with your name done out of diamonds on it? Bling! 'General Scrowcroft'.. massive, bigger than Diddie's"
After a series of dumb questions....
[b]Ali G:[/b] "When should a nation nuke another one?"
[b]General Scrowcroft:[/b] "That's a [i]very [/i]good question... That's a [i]very [/i]good question...
I would say, only if it's [i]very [/i]vital interests.. are involved."
Ali G pauses pensively... "Do you think.. America should nuke.... Canada?"
[b]General Scrowcroft:[/b] "No."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "Why not?"
[b]General Scrowcroft:[/b] "Well... first of all because we don't have any real significant problems with Canada..."
[b]Ali G:[/b] "But if you nuked Canada the amazing thing would be.. the element of [i]surprise[/i]. Them would never hecspect it... Then you could take all their.. everything they've got there. Horses and all that..."