Fri 30 Jul, 2004 07:40 pm
Really, folks, we haven't seen one another in quite a while. Might I suggest Sports Depot, which just reopened (RP and I had dinnah there tonight)? It's in Allston, not terribly far from the Harvard Street T stop (green line, B branch). The site has parking, both at the restaurant and a coupla blocks away. Prices are reasonable, TVs everywhere (mostly tuned to sporting events, and muted so we'll be able to hear one another), food is standard pubby-frat house-type fare, but there are also salads.
Of course I'm not suggesting this weekend, just some time in the not too distant future, say, during August? Can I get a hell yeah from anyone out there?
I'll go for as long as I can either before or after I shoot the cat.
I was planning on coming up for the get together BPB is planning for the fall and I couldn't come up twice.
mmmm, good point. I want to try to make it to BPB's thang to.
Hmm, local folks can probably make it to both. I'm not talking about anything elaborate here. C'mon! The cheese nachos are great! :-D
I used to live a block and a half away when it was simply, The Depot.
Hey, Barfood! and you can't spell Barfood without 'ood'.
(bookmarking, but unless it's the 17th {I think}, it's really unlikely...)
<I always enjoy watching Bostonians trying to get together....>
One day I'll come back there and round you all up....
Well, I'm not too good at getting back there either.
We were pretty ready and it worked for the SF meet, what a pleasure, but that was a long time aborning.
Hmm well given that the month is a good 31 days long, maybe, just maybe, we can do this. Weekends are: 7th & 8th (probably too early), 14th & 15th, 21st & 22nd and 28th & 29th (probably runs into Labor Day frivolity).
So I think we're talking the 14th, 15th, 21st or 22nd, unless you want to add Fridays as possible nights, then add 13th and 20th. Ha, a gathering on Friday the 13th?
oooooh friday the 13th sounds fun!
... the weak at heart need not apply
And, I guess, bring something unlucky! Or have a black cat cross your path! Walk under a ladder (look out for falling paint buckets)! :-D
13th.... hmmm...
Lemme check my calendar... Hey Mrs. SP, we doing anything that night...?
hey, we have plenty of ladders for walking under at my house!
Hmmm we need to get more people if we're gonna have 13 at the table. :-D
as an alternative, how 'bout the
LOTR exhibit at the museum of science?
Lucky's is a decent hole in the wall for food a few blocks away...
edit -- ouch. $19 for adults ($3 for members)
hmmm. maybe not...
13th, Sports Depot. Let's not confuse it too much further.
What time?