Fri 30 Jul, 2004 05:25 pm
Ah, poor dear, I wonder how he thinks the rest of us middle class citizens can afford to send out children to college on far less income. ---BBB
My mom and dad sent 4 and a 5th on the way on maybe about a third of what Ridge makes.
Now I'll concede 4 of us went to a state school (Penn State Beherend in Erie for my kid brother, and my two sisters and I attended
Youngstown State, though I started at Rochester Inst. Tech).
Never mind this garbage about not bring able to afford to send his kids to school. Where do I get an application for his job. I could stand to make over 100,000 dollars a year.
Re: Weary Ridge May Step Down; needs money for kid's college
Quote:Ridge owns an $873,000 home in Bethesda, Maryland, with his wife, Michele, which they bought last year with a $784,800 mortgage...
... showed that he owned between $122,000 and $787,000 in stocks and funds...
A) That's quite a gap between 122,000 and 787,000.
B) For the high level positions he's held, Ridge is not in that great a financial shape.
perfect example of how the bushinc inner circle is totally out of touch with the real world.......can't afford to send his kids to college my ass....
First, I don't know if the college thing is an excuse or not. Ridge is taking a lot of heat.
Let me start off by saying that I am not putting on airs, I do not make anywhere near $175,000 a year. Nevertheless, I'm gonna get hammered for this, but here goes.
If I were Ridge, or a close friend of Ridge, I would tell him to go into the private sector pronto.
If you have a high level position in politics, the opportunities are there to turn them into multimillion dollar jobs in the private sector when you retire. I believe you will see that many public people take time off in the private sector, build up some money, invest in stocks and then move back into the private sector. When they retire from public service, they have a wad.
Ridge has never done this. I assume his kids are probably excellent students, and able to get into good colleges. Well, the tuition and room & board at Harvard is $38,000 a year. If he has several kids, and they all go to good colleges-let's just say the former Pennsylvania Governor and Homeland Secretary shouldn't have to rely on scholarships to send his kids to college!
People who have held the kind of jobs Ridge has held generally have a lot of milllions stashed away by now. Oh, I am sure he gets pensions from his old jobs and he'll never really be broke, but his financial situation does not look that rosy. Seriously.
At the age of 58, facing college tuitions and retirement shortly after, if I were Ridge and I had his options, I would go into the private sector and grab the millions. He's got maybe five years left before retirement?
I agree with your assessment, but to thow out a "I can't afford to send my kids to college" line with his income and a three quarter million dollar home AND a portfolio AND free benefits.....well I can't imagine that reverberating very well with Joe Lunchbox....if nothing else a politically unastute
thing to do......
Certainly no shame in working the system and going to the private sector to make money in and of itself....
Looks like another lame excuse like Tenet's for a resignation deal in a private room.