Foxfyre wrote:The most ironic thing about all this--or would it actually be typical--is just a few weeks ago, conservatives were complaining loud and long about all the proved fallacies, misrepresentations, and flat out lies in Michael Moore's so-called documentary. And the response from the left was that Moore had a right to his opinion and at the very least the documentary raised issues for the purpose of consideration and discussion. It was SHAMEFUL SHAMEFUL SHAMEFUL and OUTRAGEOUS that anyone would presume to tell a movie theater not to show the movie during a presidential campaign; that was infringement of free speech yadda yadda.
Now we have the DNC and Kerry's lawyers doing their damndest to keep television stations from showing the Swiftboat ad negative of Kerry and booksellers being approached not to stock the book.
Isn't that just amazing?
These Swift Vets are not backing down, although they don't have Soros type money behind them, it may be a struggle. These guys have nothing to gain by telling the truth, if they are.
The biggest thing is the media is giving Kerry a pass on this... not holding Kerry and the DNC's feet to the fire like they did on Bush's record.
BTW, Time magazine is now referring to Moore's farce as a satire.