Thu 29 Jul, 2004 06:48 pm
Bear with me; I know this magazine is considered a fashion mag - And, I have never purchased a copy. This evening, while picking up a prescription at Walgreens, I noted that the current issue purports to explain the real story of Bush's alleged absence from military service while in the National Guard. The article claims he was with a squadron in Vietnam, on a mission so secret, he is not able to talk about it to this day. I wanted to know if any a2kers had purchased the magazine and what their take is on the Bush story.
Sounds like bullsh!@#. Propaganda, and not very good propaganda at that... but this is just my opinion, fwiw...
Wouldn't it have been leaked to the Enquirer if they wanted the common man to believe it...???

I know how ridiculous it reads. Which is why I didn't plunk down all those dollars for a copy to examine it more thoroughly. It did not seem as though the author was attempting satire, which is why I thought this might be of interest.
Hahaha! That is too funny to contemplate! Did you laugh out loud, Edgar?

I would've!
I wonder if the story is online?
I found one site that said, When you look at Bush you see Jesus. Too sick.
So, it WAS a spoof. Maybe it's a pretty good magazine after all.
Yes, its true...and he stayed in a big tree with the rest of the Lost Boys and called Hook a codfish. Tink is the only thing his little pecker would fit into.
GQ, Where does your $$$ go?
Okay, not only BS, but if you look at the pics in the article, you can find discrepancies all over the place. Check out the pic of GW getting busted by Barbara for looking at porn. I seriously doubt she looked like that in 1971? Shame on you GQ. Stick to hot ass and ascots. Hard news for you is a fashion Faux-pas.
Life is odd - Vanity Fair has an extensive, and seemingly well researched, article about the flawed process of the Bushist decision to attack Iraq.
I didn't read the GQ article. I just enquired if anybody did.
Vanity Fair, eh? These articles pop up in the oddest places.
I suspect that increasingly we will turn to periodicals rather than dailies for quality discussions on political and social matters. TV is already something of a lost cause. The pressures and circumstances of the modern daily are not very facilitative to depth investigations.
I've got to say, it's clever of them.