Thu 29 Jul, 2004 04:46 am
While the "Key Players" who represent the Kerry/Edwards A team stay positive, put on the white hat (no pun intended) and deliver a hopeful message that does not involve slamming the bush administration directly and negatively, Al Sharpton comes out and deviates from his speech, ad libs and gives bush hell, much to the great delight of the delegates at the convention.
Because Sharpton did not garner any real substantive support in his Presidential bid he is rightly or wrongly, not considered a major player and therefore his comments and rhetoric do not rub off on the major players and can't hurt them. They are able to remain the "positive" good guys.
But boy he gets the point across doesn't he? It's nice to have someone to say the things that need saying without transferring the heat to the actual candidates. Sort of like a sharp trial lawyer getting his point across while instructing the jury to disregard the remarks.
Damn good politics wouldn't you say?
Of course looking at it that way sort of elevates Sharptons role and importance huh? Let's keep it to ourselves. We don't want anyone to catch on.
I confess to having enjoyed Sharpton. His views certainly weren't modified just because the Republicans paid his hotel bills.
Politics makes strange bedfellows.
Good points, BP.
I especially liked his line about riding that donkey as far as it will take us. very clever!
A good bit of Sharpton's fund-raising was underwritten by the GOP.
Will wonders never cease?
I didn't know that either, I wonder what they got out of it? Or hoped to?
Aw, sorry I missed it.
Have a transcript link? (What he actually said, ad libs and all...)
Sounds like Sharpton was being inserted in place to separate the African-American democratic vote. What did he say last night? "Our vote cannot be bought"?
Well now I'm pissed.
Remember, the Republicans are also giving aid and support to Nader's campaign. Divide and conquer? Probably.
I never read that about Mr. Nader but suspected it. I swear, it seems there's just no going into politics without selling your soul to the devil.
Shame on you! GWB is a Born Again and God Almighty whispers in his ear on a regular basis!
Noddy, you got a BOLD NEW AVATAR, to go with the Brave New World.
I like it
Thanks for the kind words. As I've confessed on other threads, the cropping and pasting is due to my son. I'm capable of turning on the computer and pressing the basic buttons.