In "argument" (like in a court), evidence requires that the statements presented as fact are able to be proven true and re repeatable.
In court the qualifications of the on presenting the evidence is under review by all sides, and the evidence is subject to cross examination (in court, I am exposed to various rules of evidence, such as the
LEMON TEST. There are others but these re pretty much all that I am exposed to (Whenever I present forensic evidence).
Falsifiability . If there is a way for a statement to possibly be proven wrong, its falsifiable, and is (according to Karl Popper--science)
For exa,mple if I say that "mammals descended from synapsid reptiles in the late Permian", is falsifiable if I can find a fossil mammal earlier than the late Permian or that I can show that it descended from "Fish".
SCientific Evidence is usually under review by peers and dispassionate reviewers to determine whether a statement of a body of "facts" can be shown to be true and repeatable and falsifiable.
If we present a proposed "fact" that,
Mammals descended from fish in the Devonian" the burden of "proving this statement is on me as the presenter.