Wed 28 Jul, 2004 09:11 pm
Anyone see this show yet? Good stuff.
Wah! I've been wanting to see Ali G for quite some time now. Is it great?
Yes, I dig it the most. I've seen 2 episodes, it's on HBO@10:30 on Sundays.
I don't watch TV. Maybe I will catch it on DVD some day.
I guess they have the 1st season on DVD now...
ooooh, I should find out.
I did your homework for you...
I actually called the Hollywood Video across my house last night, and they don't carry it. I haven't seen it yet, I just heard about this guy 2 nights ago.
<gus peeks into the thread and sees Slappy and littlek whispering sweet nothings -- quickly darts out>
I've seen Ali G since the start (in England, years ago,) and I believe that he is one of the most talented send-up artists that England has seen. I did not think that another series of his show was being commisioned in America, due to bad press by the uniniated, but I am glad that it has been. His interview with Butros Butros Gali was hysterical, as was most of the American series-- almost better than the English ones. Borat is a great character, too...
Thanks Slappy! I heard about him while he was in England only. I didn't know he was being aired here.
Half the reason he's so funny in the US, is it's easier to get away with stupid questions because he's this "foreigner."
Alot of you have never even seen a black man before........allo.
Just got last season's DVD. It's sick.
Big up yourselves.
Funny country song there. It would have been horrifically unfunny if he weren't Jewish.
It's ironic that it isn't unfunny, although taste is a different issue, that he's a Jew impersonating Arabs.
The first time I saw Ali G he was interviewing James Baker, George H. Bush's Secretary of State. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was hilarious.
He's a Jew imitating an British-Indian, some of whom imitate African-Americans. For what reason, I know not. But yes, he is piss-funny.
"You is only doin' this 'cos I is black!!!"
Anyone seen the film? Daft, but funny.
InfraBlue wrote:The first time I saw Ali G he was interviewing James Baker, George H. Bush's Secretary of State. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was hilarious.
Was that the guy he was asking about BLT's?
This bio is pretty interesting, and explains a lot: He da man!
GD, I don't remember the details, I just remember the inanities Cohen was throwing at Baker, and Baker being the upright, staid ex-statesman that he is just kind of obliged him with the utmost sincerity and patience.
I remember my reaction most of all. My mouth just kind of dropped to the floor in disbelief.