Wed 28 Jul, 2004 03:02 am
Post your reasons below.
In 2012, those people are too old.
Isn't a better question -- who would you vote against?
I would support an "Anyone but Arnold" ticket and certainly an "Anyone but Jeb" (perish the thought). "Anyone but Rudy" is good too. He was an ass before 9/11 and was still an ass after 9/25.
Powell was just a huge disappointment and will probably earn my vote against him, unless of course he is the option with one ofthe choices above.
The rest of your list I don't hate that much. Anyone of them would make a fine "Anyone But _______" alternative.
Then there is Nader. When we get sick of these mediocre choices that are forced on us in pairs, we will give him more credit.
I voted against Arnold in the poll. Yeah you asked who I would vote "for" but Arnold's opponent would definitely get my vote in 2012. That I am willing to give my support to the "Anyone But Arnold" constituency this early should be counted.
I voted Hillary. I can't imagine the Republican Party being clean of neocon influence by that time, so none of them gets any consideration. I would not vote for Arnold, Powell, McCain, Bush or Juliani under any circumstance.
Why 2012? The next big election will be 2008. Now, in 2008, I don't think many of the people you have listed will be running.
I predict that gnome Kucinich will give it another try, but Hillary has pretty much wrapped up the Democratic ticket for herself. He running mate will be an interesting choice.
On the Republican side I can see Pataki running, I don't think Gulliani would run for President. Arnold CAN'T be president, Powell will retire from politics, McCain will be too old, Cheney, well, I don't even think his own mom would vote for him. It will be a wide open ticket on the republican side.
McGentrix wrote:Arnold CAN'T be president
well, say never no. unfortunately, he can. If the law will be amend....
I'm pretty sure that there won't be such an amendment anytime soon.
McG calling Kucinich a gnome is unfortunately representative of this nations voters. The great man is not tall and handsome, and that's what's considered substance. He has some excellent ideas and was a viable option, but we the people may be a bit shallow when it comes to appearance.
Lurch and Chimpy aside, they're tall. sigh...
Dang it, after seeing the speech. I wish I could edit the post and add in Barak Obama
Everybody's talking about him!
maybe he'll be our first black president
Re: Who would you rather vote for in 2012?
Centroles wrote:Post your reasons below.
I voted Colin Powell based on the thread title question, not the poll question.
My reason is because I think he would be the best president in the history of the USA. The reasons I think so are legion.
the reincarnation of suzy wrote:Everybody's talking about him!
maybe he'll be our first black president

No way in hell.
There's no way a man named Barack Hussien Obama will ever come close to being the nominee for any major party.
Who would you rather vote for in 2012?
Chelsea Clinton.
Centroles wrote:
No way in hell.
There's no way a man named Barack Hussien Obama will ever come close to being the nominee for any major party.
I think that's already been proven wrong. He may or may not get it, but as of right now, he's close. If things go downhill from here -- and he never gets closer than he is right now -- that will still be very close.
Read the date on when I posted that.
You may need to adjust the dial on your sarcasm meter.
Oh, I get it now.
Took you at face value.
Carry on!
lmur wrote:Chelsea Clinton.
an intriguing candidate.
alas, she will only be 32 in '12...
No one has noticed Arnold can't be a choice for president?
Chai wrote:No one has noticed Arnold can't be a choice for president?
It says "Amendment" between brackets... implying that a constitutional amendment would be passed to make Arnold's run possible.