Lusatian wrote:Old Craven just likes to blow smoke and cry wolf to avoid actually having to condemn uncivilized savages of being uncivilized savages.
I have no problem whatsoever with condemning those who merit it.
But this includes your own barbarism and savagery, and this kind of argument you forward is often used to justify it.
So as per usual, I call upon you to reveal the extent of your conclusions and the part where you start advocating genocide.
C'mon, be honest with the people here.
Quote: I don't think it does much harm to avoid passing judgement, but it would be nice if my brother of liberal inclination (very liberal), would condemn an enemy or two.
I condemn all sorts of things, perhaps you just need to pay attention.
Watch: I condemn your twisted genocidal tendency and your hypocrisy in decrying savagery when savagery plays heavily in your hopes and dreams for others.
Quote:Thinking back I don't think I've ever heard him come out decisively about an issue. Perhap's he's too afraid to be polarized. Perhaps he feels that he should be for an issue before being against it. LOL (Kidding)
You should put more thought into your attempts at put downs. Everyone here has seen me "come out decisively about an issue".
So have you, but because everyone else here has seen it, your lie is less believable.
Hint: use more believable lies.
But just for good measure;
I decisively come out against your genocidal tendencies.
Quote:(Perhaps if the World Court, United Nations, European Union, Pan-American League, and French Polynesian Alliance, after a recount of course, all came together and declared the suicide bombers, the beheaders, the body mutilators, and the terrorists in general "uncivilized" he may then concede the point. Of course, perhaps not.)
Concede what point? Out with it, get to the part where you advocate genocide.
Don't tell me you are too sqeamish about your own beliefs to get behind them publically.
When I call you on your anthropomorphic nature you always segue into a disjointed attempt to make fun of me.
I don't mind it, it's usually poorly constructed enough for a laugh or two, but it's also a transparent attempt to deflect from what I said:
That you advocate genocide with great frequency.
So, do you have the testicular fortitude to admit to your genocidal tendency or not? If you advocate genocide at least have the balls to get behind your position in public.