Thank you for the answer. I was looking more for something along the lines of the US government not being allowed to arrest people for joining an organization unless the individual has taken part in some illegal activity the members of that organization might have done. In other words, the government can't ban organizations, unless the organization wants to violently overthrow the government of the USA. Your links have led to Alabama vs the NAACP, which is useful, now I'm trying for more.
Just for the record, in case you might be interested, here's a link to the UN Resolution-not sure if this was a committee resolution or if it ever got to the General Assembly. First you go to this page:
Then click on the link in Item 66. Which is: A/C.3/69/L.56/Rev.1 . Otherwise the UN's page blocks the link.
The part I'm objecting to is section 28(b) on page 6:
"Shall declare illegal and prohibit organizations, and organized and all
other propaganda activities, that promote and incite racial discrimination, and shall recognize participation in such organizations or activities as an offence punishable by law." I figured that would be unconstitutional if it were a law in this country, so there would be little point in voting for a resolution calling for other countries to do things we consider unconstitutional.