According to the Congressional Balck Caucus Foundation,Global warming is a racial problem.
From the report..."The fundamental conclusion of this report is that there is a stark disparity in the United
States between those who benefit from the causes of climate change and those who bear
the costs of climate change. The basic findings of this report are threefold:
1) African Americans are already disproportionately burdened by the health effects of
climate change, including deaths during heat waves and from worsened air pollution.
Similarly, unemployment and economic hardship associated with climate change will
fall most heavily on the African American community.
2) African Americans are less responsible for climate change than other Americans.
Both historically and at present, African Americans emit less greenhouse gas."
The report goes on to state that Climate change Seems to INTENTIONALLY (my word) target blacks,and that its the white mans fault.
While I dont believe in global warming,this is ridiculous.
The full report is here...