i'd like to know where the hell most of you people live, where you move out just because of some loud motorcycles? when i was a kid, these twins that lived down the street had kit motorcycles and built em up themselves, and they were always ridin em down the street or workin on em, occasionally allowing me to watch. As years passed by, they got a few more motorcycles and dirtbikes, etc. and i loved it, especially the midget motocycle they completely restored... and then got stolen from them

my next-door neighbor has a green kawasaki, i believe, and theyre always comin and goin. also, i sometimes attend "bike night" at autozone where a whole sh!t-load of bikers come in from all over the city and sport their bikes, do tricks down the street, and race wen the cops aren't patrolling. the races at haynes blvd. also have a good amount of bikers present. about 3 or 4 times a week around 11:30 or midnight, i can hear hundreds of bikes exiting the interstate headed off to some race or bike exhibiton like "bike night." you guys needa loosen up a lil bit and chill out, or just ignore the noise if it really bothers you that much... the only thing that i can find understandably annoying is the harleys that make alarms go off... not the noise the harley makes, but the alarms going off. i live in new orleans, pretty damn big city, and i see or hear at least 15 bikes a day, so all you people out there complainin about one or two bikes you might hear in a week needa stop whinin and grow up! like someone said in an earlier post: life is short, just let em have their fun... theyre not harming you or anyone else, so just leave em alone.