Quote:that does not mean that we cannot think our way out of these mind traps and see them for what they are--indoctrination
Your indoctrination tells you...
- to reject slavery,
- that all humans have rights,
- that woman should be able to choose the person they marry (rather than having one chosen for her).
- that humans shouldn't be stuck in a caste system by birth that they can't escape from
- that woman and men should be treated equally,
- that adults shouldn't marry children,
- that men shouldn't have more than one wife at a time.
- that human flesh is not food under any circumstances,
- that people can own property and that that ownership should be respected.
- that people should be able to speak out against the government without fear.
These are all things that pretty much every American believes (or any other modern Western culture, I am assuming you are an American... please correct me if I am wrong).
These are also things that other cultures have disagreed with. Americans disagree with each other a little bit on the details, but we all are in very close agreement on the big points. Certainly two modern Americans on opposite sides of the political spectrum will agree with each other far more than they would agree with a citizen living under the Ming Dynasty.
So tell me. What part of your indoctrination as a modern Western citizen have you "thought your way out of"?
Give me a single example of an area where your beliefs differ significantly from your indoctrination.