snood wrote:...the white media picks the "African-American" leaders, without ever consulting African-Americans. That's why all we see is Sharpton and Jackson, and why we never see Hugh Price, Kweisi Mfume or Julian Bond.
Perhaps you are watching the wrong news.
I was fortunate to catch Kweisi Mfume on The O'Reilly Factor a while back, and was quite impressed with what he had to say. I have also seen Sharpton on will O'Reilly, and he also came across surprisingly well. (My opinion of Sharpton tends to be tainted by the Tawana Brawley fiasco that launched him on the national scene.) Of course, O'Reilly also has a standing invitation to have Jesse Jackson come on his show, but so far Jackson has not accepted the invitation.
I find no reference to Julian Bond ever appearing on Fox News, but a quick search of the
Fox News Website shows me that Hugh Price was a guest on Hannity and Colmes on July 24, 2002.
So it would seem that some media may be more inclusive than others.