Wow! You people are professionals, aren't you?
That's very surprising, I thought everybody would pick
Lonely Planet.
Piffka - I'm browsing around for now... been a tourist for a while. And thanks for the compliment, but I'm not a native English speaker.
So in addition to those I listed we have for now:
* Lonely Planet ... On a Shoestring (can't be very different from the mainstream series, right?)
* In your pocket (went to their website, found a cute feature: free PDFs, but the selection is a little small)
* Lets Go
* Mobil
* Penguin
* Rick Steves
* Michelin (do they have English versions?)
* Martin Vellbinger (also, is there English version available?)
* country-specific guides
I also found a website listing guides by country and fished more:
* AAA (it claims to be "the most trusted name in travel"... anyone heard of it

* Access
* Blue Guide
* National Geographic
* Passport
I mostly want those for off-the-beaten-track tips, short phrasebook and maps. Discos and cafes pricing is not really an issue.
I went to Beijing a couple of months ago with Lonely Planet and Fodor's. Lonely Planet had Chinese translation near every name; I could literally point and it always got me where I needed. Fodor's missed it and its maps were harder to navigate. This made a difference for me

. The hotel I stayed in was very good, but it wasn't listed in neither of the guides.
Oh, and
ossobuco - Lonely Planet has extra-strength binding or whatever they call it, so you might want to skip it
