You are SOOOOOO dry!!!
Hey - when you get back from hell...I mean basic - why not do a couple of threads about these fantasies of yours?
Your fantasies is fun! 'Twould be fun to co-create a world - De Kere/A2k we could call it!
He he, I'll try it.
To sum up my fantasy certain technologies wre invented and a planet was created. I own the planet and start to build it's ecosystem from scratch. Then it is peopled. I'd considered sending people who must be removed from my private utopia to earth but felt bad for earthlings and decided I'd need to create another planet for this.
As in all my fantasies it is a god-game that is micro managed right down to the smallest detail.
a Utopia?
oh my goodness gracious me
this oughta be good
something tells me it will run on logic.....of a linearish kind.......
(Any wonder this guy started a Very Ambitious Website?

yep - and we are all in utter vaw of him..........teeheee...
He he, no wonder, I had to do something to get me to stop saying "you know, on my planet people don't do that" lol
Deb it has more to do with design and planning than rules. In other words the development of the planet is less haphazard and since planned more logical. But there's nothing logical about expecting to control humans or trump evolution in societies.
So basically it's about cool stuff like making the biggest wild animal park on earth and letting a society evolve with the knowledge of earth under their belts.
Oh goody!!!!!
Why not start the thread now!!!!
We get to invent ANIMALS????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me wants to invent ANIMALSSSSS!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stamping wittle bunny feets - bunny eyes alive with excitement - bunny tail whirring round like a furry helicopter!!!!!!
Are we allowed to invent animals on your utopia? Puhleeeeeeeze??!!
Animals weren't invented in my fantasy, it all had a remote foundation in current reality.
My only deviations from current reality were in the manner the planets were created, and in teleporting (which has already been done).
I'll start it now but it's not gonna be my fantasy, with one stomp of a bunny foot all is changed.
meaning we CAN invent critters?
but you will lay some ground rules, no? - 'twill be more fun that way - and 'tis YOUR fantasy.....
Somewhat relevant; Oprah is having her program on the release of death row prisoners from prison in Illionis. Should be interesting. c.i.
Not fnord; Atookaia!
But seriously folks;
I think the "point" has been missed entirely, and for centuries.
It's not about removing the criminals from society; we need to remove the influence of "society" from the criminals!
I saw the Oprah show. The famities of the victims spoke of justice and closure, but the more they spoke, the more they sounded like they wanted blood.... Also on the show were 3 men who had spent up to nineteen years on death row. before being found innocent. The ex-govenor stated that if so many or found innocent, think how many many innocents go undiscovered.
I saw parts of the show. What made it interesting was the fact that it brought out the need for revenge by the surviving family members. The ex-governor made the point that the death penalty metted out only satisfies the living, and not the dead victim. What of the cases where an innocent man is sent to his death for a crime he did not commit. Many countries have outlawed the death penalty for capital crimes. The ex-governor also claimed that all 163 cases were investigated for over three years by ex-judges, prosecutors, and lawyers, before they arrived at the conclusion to release them. I'm not sure I'm ready to criticize or compliment the release of those prisoners. Just because ex-judges, prosecutors, and lawyers investigated each case, that still doesn't answer many questions I have to determine their innocence. I cringe at the idea that all the people that spent the time to follow legal process to prosecute these people have been overturned by proxy by one man with questionable credentials. c.i.
That one man doesn't like killing people, especially innocent people. And he had a chance to do something about it and did it, in spite of the opinion of millions of americans, who love to kill vicariuosly, in the name of psuedo- "justice"
Booman, We are a country of laws. If one person can negate the legal system of this country, why even bother serving on a jury? c.i.
...They weren't released. They will be in jail until they die. You were just deprived of a chance to see them die. Plus what he did was legal, so he didn't negate the legal system.