Those who are contemptuous of personal hygiene should be ejected from the gene pool. If we could just get rid of them and biggots, we'd be much better off.
Veeeeeeeery neat, Timber!
What headgear is being referred to here? The photos I saw of the guys who hi-jacked jets on 9/11 showed no headgear. The whole problem was that they fit in so well...
You're very quick, bunny ... then bunnies are, aren't they?
I have no interest in those who have no interest in personal hygiene. You'd call me a bigot because I don't want to be around people who smell bad? Comon...
I was in a store the other day and this huge, fat guy walked by and he smelled so bad I had to get away from him. It wasn't contempt - it was disgust. He was disgusting.
Should he be executed, too, or have we wandered off topic?
perhaps we should limit out pogrom to smelly bigots
Pogrom - a russian term for violence and rioting against jews, correct?
If you let me "pull the switch" then I'll guarantee that they'll ALL be smelly.
Main Entry: 1po·grom
Pronunciation: 'pO-gr&m, 'pä-; pO-'gräm, p&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Yiddish, from Russian, literally, devastation
Date: 1903
: an organized massacre of helpless people; specifically : such a massacre of Jews
Good definitions, but given the politically correct enlightenment of contemporary times, it would be impolite to concentrate the entertainment on any particular folk. Everyone is entitled to their own pogroms today, without regard for Race, Creed, or Gender.
You can't be serious about that last sentence of yours timber!
I don't necessarily agree with it, Bib ... in fact I lament it. It is an observation, not an anthem.
Here's a interesting list of death row inmates exonerated after years of being in prison:
Here's a list of the 451 death row inmates in Texas, with their photographs:
and here's a link to more links, state by state of death row inmates:
Here is my take on why capital punishment is immoral, ineffective and barbaric
if killing is wrong, then killing is wrong
it has no affect on the murder rate
the murderer's family did no wrong. They should not be put in the same state of distress as the family of the victim.
no criminal justice system is perfect, therefore those in favour of capital punishment are prepared to see innocent people executed
capital punishment might seem cheap, but in practise it doesn't work out that way.
if its vengeance you are after why not torture them half to death, revive them and repeat the process. Is there no redemption from sin?
Life is precious. Don't kill for killing's sake
Your portrait of a death penalty advocate does not fit me. Nevertheless, I would vote to keep a modified death penalty for the foreseeable future.
ewwwww. Biblio --
Steve -- I never thought I'd say I appreciated the English so much. I think your "take" on capital punishment is close to mine (well, except for the torturing which I had never considered and am currently trying to erase from memory).
Well, Piffka, there is no European with a death penalty: we are grown up all from the barbaric Middle Ages by now.