Mon 24 Aug, 2015 03:44 pm
Any ideas? How do we solve this immigration problem in the U.S.?
There is the same problem in Europe now too with the Syrian refugees flooding the borders.
There must be an ethical and humane way of helping our neighbors to the south.
It is certainly not what Donald Trump is suggesting, deportation is not the answer. They will turn around and come back the next day, build tunnels or come in by sea. This only widens the disparity of opportunity and mutual prosperity.
But there is a solution, one that is beneficial to both sides.
I believe the solution is jobs along the border, not walls... Were we to send our jobs, factories and many services, even warehouses with internet sales to the border rather than halfway around the globe, would that not allow immigrants to work in the U.S. yet still go home to their own country at night. If there were a "jobs zone" along the border, fair/equal wages ID cards stating country of residence and safe working conditions. PROBLEM SOLVED...
I tend to think Mexican immigrants would prefer to live in their own country if conditions were conducive to a living wage.
One other thing, get US corporations out of their country, stop them from bribing their officials (as they do to our politicians) and stealing their own precious resources out from under them. Eventually Mexican corporations could put their factories along side our own. Create a wall of opportunity not a wall of alienation.
I might also mention that if we can vote republicans out of office we can force corporations to bring jobs back to our soil.
Corporations now inconceivably get government tax breaks for outsourcing jobs! Republicans are now standing in the way of changing this tax law.
If we could reverse this and first of all bar corporations from selling products in the US who do not FULLY pay taxes then we could use tax breaks as a real lever to bring jobs back to our soil.
This will never happen while republicans refuse to force corporations to pay their fair share in taxes and not only that they are on top of that giving tax money in the form of subsidies to corporations! Compounded error!
Don't whine about immigrants taking our jobs!
Republicans are taking our jobs by the millions! All so they can exploit poor foreign workers by paying them with dirt so they can continue to own 90+% of the whole world's wealth!
They have sold our peace and tranquility for their greedy obscene profits!
I think this "wall of opportunity" along the border could actually be a marvelous and festive thing!