Quote:That's another example of charlatanism, we poor unenlightened slobs just don't understand. Squeaky does it all the time.
Thank you.
Problem is Izzy, I never said or implied any of those things. The only implication I want behind anything I say is love, and the best interest of who ever I am speaking to or of. I think the problem here is I don't view you as you view yourself or have been told you are viewed in the past.
Quote:I suppose asking you to explain just what it is we don't understand would be a waste of time, vague unsubstantiated nonsense beats facts and evidence any time.
No. Not really... The problem here is... Ummm... I am not exactly sure what the answer is right now. I won't speak to that until I have what needs to be said, instead of what I might really want to say...
