Quote:[Yes, two daughters that I love dearly. While that may answer the question for some, it never did for me. Or at least it doesn't fit the answer I came to about why God created us (Because he wanted company). Kids make lousy company for the first 20 years or so :-)
Lol! You have a point! But, the love remains the same.
Quote:To be honest, if it were not for sex drive, the population of earth would be a tiny fraction of what it is today. If you removed sex drive and the societal and economic pressure to have children in earlier days, I'm not sure there would be anybody here. Of course I am male and don't know anything about the 'biological time bomb' urge that women may feel. If you have any insights about that, I'm interested. That may be yet another device God used to insure we populated earth.
Aha! I see you and I think a lot alike in some ways! Or perhaps over think a lot alike... Lol I believe reproduction is instinctive. Look at all the animals. Bet they've never seen a hustler magazine! I can only speak from my own experience here... But I will give you the best I got to help you understand a little better a woman's side of that.
I have never been able to have children. I found out at the age of 19. Long before medicine advanced to where it is now. I was told all they knew was my ovaries were not releasing any eggs and they didn't know why, or how to fix it. I was pretty devastated. I believed no one would ever love me or want to marry me because I couldn't bear them children.
At the age of 30 my endocrinologist informed me of the many medical advances over the years and told me I had a two year window to possibly have a baby... Possibly more... Like twins!!! I had always wanted twin boys. Nathaniel James and Justin Walker were going to be their names.

Only two years, because then medically it was considered an unsafe pregnancy.
I didn't have or want a boyfriend at the time and wasn't going to run off and get knocked up just to have a baby. Lo and behold, when the two year window closed, it closed completely. I started peri menopause at the age of 32 and have been full blown menopausal for about five years now. *sigh* Hot flashes still suck... Lol
However, I still think if ever given the chance to experience that moment for myself... I would. Undoubtedly, I would. That's why it being instinctive makes sense to me. The desire has never gone away, though the ability to do so was never there.
Quote:If I sound cynical, about that it is because the real reasons most people have children are for selfish reasons far removed from love, even though they may come to love them after the fact. Growing up in my own family, I had no clue about what love was until I was about 6 years old. I learned about it at a drive in movie. It happened to be "Bambi" . It blew me away! The idea of having someone special to love and be loved by was an ideal I worshipped for many decades afterwards.
I was 19 years old when I discovered love is real. Through one beautiful young woman, who chose to look beyond the ball of mess exterior of mine, and find some value that no one else could see, or was even looking for... In me.