Wed 5 Aug, 2015 11:47 pm
I'm looking to become an accountant after I have completed grad school.
I already have three tattoos that very easily concealable, but I've been thinking about getting a tattoo on the upper part of my right forearm of a compass, replacing the directions of N,E,S,W with H,O,P,E.
Nah! Never met a conservative accountant in my life.
aaronfr1 wrote:
I'm looking to become an accountant after I have completed grad school.
I already have three tattoos that very easily concealable, but I've been thinking about getting a tattoo on the upper part of my right forearm of a compass, replacing the directions of N,E,S,W with H,O,P,E.
In my opinion, the thread's question needs to be refined to, "Could this tatoo hinder my ability to have the most mobility in the accounting field? Or, could it hinder my ability to get promoted within an organization?"
Your upper arm can be conceled with sleeves that go to the elbow.
It may hinder your ability as in people may have pre-conceived notions -- but tattoos are more and more common. I would suggest if you doubt this to wait. Why put something permanent on your body until you know for sure it would not hamper anything?
The answer lies in the fact that you need to ask the question.
How about a nice abacus tattoo instead?
If concealable I wouldn't think so. Only US employers who don't allow tattoos at all are the government 'acronym' guys.
Real accountants always have their tattoos on their hands, throat, or face. Trust me on this.
Well. . . . At least I didn't ask for it in Latin.