Sat 11 Jan, 2003 07:01 pm
I'm living in Southeastern Indiana where they do not observe daylight savings. Therefore, I am confused. Currently, we are on the same time as the East Coast. Does this mean that the time difference between me and the West Coast is 3hrs.?
Apologies for such a lame question, but it's one of those details that escapes me.
If you are in the same time zone as us east-coasters, than cali MUST be 3 hours behind you. At least for these 6 months of the year.... right?
Thanks littlek. I just needed someone to confirm it. Once the clocks go forward then we are 2 hours ahead of the Westcoast and 1 hour ahead of the East. I'm not really sure why there is no time change here, but it makes for some confusion.
One thing I have to say, it doesn't get dark here until around 5 pm. I recall in the East the sun would start sinking at 3:30 in the dead o' winter.
You're right about the sunset timing. It's sad. I think that the daylight saving thing s a throw back to more pastoral times. I don't know why we don't just do away with it all.
You think your time zoning is odd. In Australia there is a state/city/area that kind of split the difference. It's a 1/2 hour off from it's neighbors. In both directions.
That's interesting about Australia.
Even though it gets dark later here, the sun doesn't really rise until 8:30am, so you can imagine what a chore it is to get out of bed...
So, Gala, you should at least be stable in regard to Arizona because they don't use daylight savings either. That is the one thing they are not confused about.
Oh, Newfoundland also uses the 1/2 hour convention.
hawaii and guam don't use daylight savings time either.
New Foundland makes a bit more sense given how far to the east they are in relation to the rest of canada...
Grrrrrrrr! it is also not TRUE about Australia!!!!
The Northern Territory and South Australia both run on Central Standard Time - we are talking about a third of the country here!
We are both, in standard time, half an hour behind the the eastern states - Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.
We do this because Sydney and Melbourne (capitals of NSW and Victoria respectively) are the business hubs - and lots of companies have head offices etc there. It makes commerce etc easier to run near their time schedule.
Western Australia, which is the sole, huge, western state, runs not half an hour behind SA and the NT, but, I think, two and a half hours - three behind the east.
Now - where it DOES get weird is daylight saving time.
Queensland won't do it - so we in SA end up half an hour ahead of them and the other eastern states end up an hour ahead. Western Australia won't do it either, so they end up four hours behind the eastern states and three and a half behind me in SA.
I am not sure what the Northern Territory or Tasmania do. I do know that it is an absolute pain trying to discuss stuff with Western Australia in summer!
I LOOOOOOOOOOVE daylight saving -and if anyone tries to take it away from me, I am nuking them!
Where is a half hour difference both sides?
Not half hour on either side? Just one side? Sorry, I'm a bit slow today.
We just meant South Australia, Deb. You know that.
No - half an hour on BOTH sides of the same border! Not on two sides of one state!
Roger - we're in enough trouble here without your help! LOL!
I must say, your last clarification was quite up to standard, Deb.
LOL!!!!!!! Well, you try saying it, then!!!
Can you blame us dlowan? It's very confusing!
Since i'm more visually oriented than verbally, my answer to every 'time' question is this site - i particularly like the sun clock. i have a horrible time trying to figure out who's 'supposed' to be awake or asleep without it.