Brandon9000 wrote:nipok wrote:Brandon9000 wrote:I suggest, then, that you publish in a real, refereed Physics journal. Incidentally, your previous assertion about objects measuring each other as going 1.5 times the speed of light was flat out wrong, as my comments showed.
I do not disagree with the fact that I phrased it incorrectly. I was trying to make a point....
You didn't just phrase it incorrectly, you were incorrect in a matter of substance. Since you are revising modern Physics in a way, which, if correct, would be of great interest to the world scientific community, why do you not publish in a reputable, refereed scientific journal? Can your theory be tested by experiment or observation in a way that distinguishes it from other theories? Can you make a prediction that can be tested, which is currently not predicted by existing theory?
<B>I realize my posts are long winded so I apologize up front if I put anybody to sleep </b>
Time travel and the speed of light are not a very big part of my theory. Read my first post in response to the question related to time travel and the speed of light. As e-mails bounced around I tried to make a point that we can't prove that our entire known universe is not already traveling faster than the speed of light through the "vacuum" of space. As far as matter of substance these are just two links that discuss past experiments that have results that seem to question the speed of light as a limit that cannot be passed.
But that's not point I was trying to make either. Nor was I trying to make the point that Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics already have known discrepancies that are as of yet unsolved. You are too caught up in the entire quantum relativistic space-time continuum of our known universe. I agree it all exists and explains a huge percent of the overall paradigm but it has it's limitations because it fails to take into account the much larger Space-Time-Energy Continuum of our Universe that our tiny universe is only a speck in.
The big bang theory, dark matter, spacetime, string theory, the lorentz transformation, and tons of other formulas, constants, and theories may very well be valid. But I submit there is a possibility they may only be valid within our known universe or universes very similar to ours and not the entire Universe or other universes much different than ours. Some laws may apply, some may not, and some may someday turn out to be incorrect altogether. There are not enough proven facts to plug ALL the holes in the current paradigm. Assumptions were made and band-aids were added that use these assumptions to grow from. I don't have specific examples although if I had to I am sure I could find 5 or 10 or more accepted beliefs that are still unproven and hinge on assumption and/or manipulation of observations.
I have not published yet because I've been editing and re-editing for the last 10 years when time permits. I am close so it seemed like the right time to build my house of cards in a public arena and see if it can be knocked down. If part of it (a part that matters, not just an off comment made about the speed of light) happens to collapse and I can't fix it with a stronger card then the house falls and my work become fiction. If however the first two levels of this house of cards pass the initial barrage then I can add a few more levels and see how high we can build this before it gets knocked down. If enough dialogue passes that I am comfortable with its merit than you can be damn sure I am going to publish it but like you said without even a tidbit of hard math to back any of it up or a prediction that can be tested it is just a set of theories. My goal is to see if my set of theories are strong enough to stand against the current paradigm which I feel they are and if so my goal would be eventually dispel the myths of dark matter, string theory, and that our planet is not one of an infinite number of habitable planets in our entire Universe.
I do in fact have some predictions that can be tested and have been tested but the house of cards ain't high enough yet. More dialogue needs to take place before the foundation is set to discuss those predictions.
Lastly, Brandon, please do not connote any tone to my response. I am not offended in anyway nor take anything personally. I know I sound like a raving lunatic and expect debate. I am actually looking forward to it in an effort to find any holes in my theories.
Â… nipok
that's my 2 cents. Rebate forms available upon request.