roger wrote:Aw, come on. Can't I at least be a doubtful?
LOL! I doubted about making you a doubtful, is that good enough?
Rick d'Israeli wrote:nimh ik vroeg me af: ben jij ook echt lid van GroenLinks?
Welzeker ben ik dat. Ik heb me laatst nog sufgefolderd en gekraamd voor de Europese verkiezingen, en bij de laatste Kamerverkiezingen heb ik het folderen in mijn stad gecoordineerd, en bij 2 v/d 3 laatste Amsterdamse demonstraties GL-balonnen opgeblazen ...
mysteryman wrote:I think you misplaced me on your list.
Am I a conservative? ABSOLUTELY YES.
Am I a "right-winger"?ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Interesting. How would you define the difference?
Phoenix32890 wrote:Nimh has me listed as a conservative, but that does not cover the entire picture. I AM conservative economically, but am extremely liberal socially, probably more so than the average Democrat!.
Hmm ... perhaps I dont know enough about your stance on stuff like gay marriage, immigration, drugs policy etc. But in any case I was careful enough to say "right-winger" rather than "conservative"!
As for right-wing/left-wing vs conservative/liberal, one of the things may be that here in (West-)Europe, the economic axis is really overriding, and the social axis is more additional. Thus "liberals" (who here are socially free-thinking, but also very much pro-free market) are by standard categorized as "right-wing". The same is not necessarily true in all of Eastern Europe, by the way.
husker wrote:Thanks Nimh!!
Finally took a bullet - and it didn't hurt the least
Hey, glad to be of help ...
mysteryman wrote:Rick D'Israeli wrote:In Europe, socially speaking you would still be a Conservative

True,but we arent in Europe.
Ehm ... we're also not in America. We're in virtuality, and we's both Europeans and Americans ...
<takes a deep breath>
18 posts in an hour! That sure was one post to invite attention, eh?