Msolga is right again. I've found few problems in life having a cat curled up in your lap and purring won't help.
I hope you're listening to this EXCELLENT advice, Wilso!

You could be as happy as we are!
Holy sacred cow!
Most of the political stuff I see here is liberal, anti-Bush, and anti-Republican!
The liberal tendencies of the participants on this board is evident not only in postings but also in "polls."
Even when politics is not the topic of a thread, some of the liberal-minded persons here manage to squeeze in a stab at Bush, Republicans, or Rush Limbaugh.
Oh, and the almost-daily Bumble Reports make me want to puke!
Grow a backbone, Wilso. Conservatives are taking a lot more flak here than you!
Now that I think about it, I doubt that the reason stated is the whole reason he (claims to be) leaving.
General Tsao
If you're gonna do it, do it in style.
Get into one of the right wing threads and let it rip.
See how long it takes before they wipe ya.
(Seriously man, just stop reading the crap.)
No no no no no!!!!!!!!! You can't leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please stay!!!!!! I've learned to pretty much stay out of the political threads and just have fun. Sometimes I bop in there, but I leave as soon as I feel myself starting to get heated. There is so much to get involved with in here other than politics, so come and have fun with the rest of us.
PLEASE DON'T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn, I must be losing my sex appeal if Wilso has decided to leave the party where I am playing
Switch to decaf. Your anger is way out of control. Are you on medication?
You know you love the conservatives, really!
Think about all those posts at their expense that you will miss...the witty replies you can post (judging by past evidence).
The enlightened among us are here, standing beside you and facing those who think that Shrub is the best thing that happened to the world - because their own world is so small!
We'd miss you if you went...

margo wrote:Jim wrote:Msolga is right again. I've found few problems in life having a cat curled up in your lap and purring won't help.
Exactly right, Jim! 
I think I need a cat, too!
Hey Wilso - hold your pony!
Wilso do what i did...get banned...just explode in a heaping godzilla like ball of fire cause people piss you off and then walk off the stage.
and on that just kidding folks
Take a break.
Sometimes "Free Speech" is justifiable and tolerable only insofar as it does not challenge one's own notions. The overwhelming "slant" of A2K is decidedly left/liberal, the right/conservatives are handily outnumbered. Both complain about the other; "So-and-so is so mean/nasty/stupid/evil ... disagrees with everything the good people say, even though we're so obviously right and so-and-so is patently wrong. This simply must not be allowed to continue"
There would be no debate without contrasting viewpoints, and damned little interaction of substance period without divergent opinion, disagreement and counter argument. There are plenty of "Me Too" clubs out there on the 'net; this ain't one of 'em. Both the left and the right have able champions here, and both have some representatives of less discernment, discretion, talent and/or ability. Idiocy knows no ideology.
Really, if it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.
Do watchya gotta, Wilso. If you don't enjoy the game, why play? On the other hand, if you do enjoy the game, just not the way play has been going for you of late, try playing it differently. A whole buncha folks find ways to enjoy themselves here without getting themselves worked into a lather. Obviously, it can be done. Can you do it?
timber wrote:The overwhelming "slant" of A2K is decidedly left/liberal, the right/conservatives are handily outnumbered
Could I see your evidence which supports this contention, please?
Along with your definition in this context of 'overwhelming', preferably expressed as a percentage or some other quantifiable method (you need not quote the dictionary; I have several at my disposal, just as you do. I want to understand
your definition).
'Handily outnumbered' ought to be easy to prove with some verifiable numbers, as well.
Of course, if this is JYO, not supported by any evidence, you are invited to say so...
timberlandko wrote: The overwhelming "slant" of A2K is decidedly left/liberal, the right/conservatives are handily outnumbered. Both complain about the other
That's kind of funny. I've asked a few people in my real life, who I would consider to be political moderates, to join the site. They've declined, as they feel it is far too right-wing and don't want to be involved in such a site. We all see something different when we come here. I see American v not American. The Americans are pretty much all right of centre on a global political scale, the non-Americans tend to be centrist, with a few on each side of that. At least that is how it looks from the middle (all those darn quizzes put me there.)
Hard to believe you'd even question the numbers--percentages of political posters.
(thinking; I know there's plenty more.)
(And, posters who don't show up in politics aren't applicable to this discussion. Leaving out those, whose views are not so easily categorized.)
You forgot Fox, McG and Karzak. Plus roger, that's a bleedin' heart if I ever saw one.
I swear, it's just politics folks, the way our lives will be run and how our future will shape up.
I'm supposed to be on the left?
I'm going to have to rework a lot of my thinking and voting.