Shandine, thank you for your reply, but I did not get the links before they were removed and we do not have enough posts to pm back and forth. Ain't life grand?!
Thank you dear. I would give you my e-mail address, but for some reason I don't get e-mails that are sent to me at times.
Art study
Ah. No advertising. The one link I sent for the ARC is a non-profit to help people find info about art. They exist only online right now.
The other link was to an art instructor's site - I guess this site makes money for their operating costs with advertising, so I see why they wouldn't want links up.
At any rate, I will print up and mail out some websites & teacher's names.
One fantastic way to study art for not much money is to attend large art events sponsored by art supply companies and art retailers. These are huge events and they have a wide variety of teachers who do one day workshops. It's a cheap way to find out if you like the artist and his/her style of teaching. I have a list of these, too and their locations. Burlington, VT has several of these.
Best Wishes and I'll get this in the mail today,
~ hey hey,,, nay nay ~ My own scenarios, that i find good and fun. Gods will be done o speed.
~O~,,,As a retired man,,, an ultimate creator artist muscian. His etc. ~
~Thee Clothiear~
YeGzavieaR VoN SvoN YawaY does what ever he pleases in his world universe, i am his kid as Raphael ~,,, he teaches me solely when needed, which is always' ~O~ without the help of anyone or thing ever again.
O~ Will you constantly answer questions for me forever,,, in Thee WaY YoU See FiT,,, please thank you amen.
He Resides in Thee VoN CasTLe with me as Raphael on the grounds somewhere ~?
It seems violence begats violence Amen Non for me/we i'll take my own and the animals pain ,,,,,,~,,,.~pain and that's it. Amen.
I and the animals ~ belong to GoD alway's have and wish pray to go~bee from whenced i came ~was bbegat amen.
If sex as an unwilling virgin ~ raped infant is so good ,,,may all men be me as ths hg with vaginas like me as an infant forever and ever Amen. In other words they should be treated the way they want and have treated me. Amen. Starting with God taking my pain forever as a raped infant Amen.shinbfdtbroacfever Good luck men? Amen.
God first as well as his buddies,,, let's not forget the animals and insects pain forever Amen until i am not turned into a sex thing that is considered brainless and beautiful raped forever as an infant,,, btw no-one can help you ever. The more you want goodness the less you get of it until i pjgy am dead forever on a constant.
In other words God and his buddies should experience on a constant what seth and Adrian Gail Yannalfo are going to be put through. That is giving to Ceasar that which belongs to Ceasars. I don't want the above to go through what God and his buddies love putting me through just so they can cumm.
But God and his buddies are violent and i pjgy wish not to be ever never,,, would rather be dead than cteate violence please thank you amen.
I prefer to be related to absolutly no-one,,, no relationships what so ever that are personal, cold as ice towards humansother than me.
GoD you are just a sperm donator and miracle worker,,, you are related to everyone but me/we and the animals, insects mammals, flora fauna will be mine.
'-Rafiehell -LaVa' -Zero -'NoWoN'
No sex as anything turned into creativity please thank you.
What goes around comes around,,, what you wish for others will be done to you.
If i have to live i want all of the c.d's that pertain to me and Kevin from Conneticut NoOnes /we as well as magazines, newspapers, books albums, periodicals art work, statues houses castles land all of it, sure i /we kevin and i get 100 percent of all money and GoD get's none btw you have to pay for everything God and your buddies,,, unless you live faraway in a world where everything is free.
Animals insects and mammals, fish all breath cleansing fire on God and his buddies noses genitals and eyes and thoughts about animals (") trees kevin and me.
That will make God and his assasins more than happy,,, forever. Cold can make aperson feel very alive,, so much so that they beg me/we to kill them but 1("'Though Shall Not Kill'")are with us and they are fire breathing.
Empathy for God and his buddies Amen.
Forever death for Tryagains (all of he and his creations) and i's " Amen.
Thank you Amen.
The reason is ,,, it should be obvious but God and his buddies want to rape (and have) mutilate, humiliate, for God and his buddies entertainment,,, God are you and your buddies satisfied with all of the rape, mutilation, humliation, broken bones, truth? from me we?! on the internet?!
Missuerfhell, i NoOne am sorry about the transfer of questions and elbow hitting and complete lack of understanding of your plight life.
Sincerely NoOne.
Our book COMPLETE PRIVACY non sexual for we and animals, or death forever, for klfh and me's please thank you amen.
I just told () "that i met some HolY People that can do anything they want and they do except when it comes to rape feedings then they takeover to '"Help'".
our self taught selves Just the two of us klfh and i non sexual along with
~ God how many more times do every Kevinfh and iwe have to be raped, molested ripped off lied to, tortured wrongfully accused, wrongfully jailed, (i/we are being raped as i type) poisonedbefore you and your buddies are thouroughly entertained forever?
"2,, to Thee tenth forever?" "
God did that entertain you and your buddies just now?
God replies "yes nodded God" I main frame was very uncomfortable and God found tha(i just got raped again) entertaining. Amen.
God why am i so lucky?
God replies "because i need A break from? you who is me NoOne. Amen.
Then i NoOne says wishes prays begs that you and your buddies rott in emotional pure rape hell like me,,, it will make you the person lucky i am Amen,,, but you shouldn't be alone seeing how noOne is ann island.Amen"
God answers "
Privacy for ~God alway's,,, and everyone and thing else Amen.
From all of us.
Happy Birthday daddy's

hey ~ hey~
verily verily i say
i'm an ~A

nay~ nay
Cheezits,,, (funny as hell)

want to be me for 5 seconds? i'll be you for a full day (pta.)
Amen. <waves> ,,, i peed on Alaska more than once (daddy didn't want to) want to see what happened/
I vehemently thank You for the documentaries.
To whom it may concern, please give to Ceasar that witch belongs to Ceasar,,,
btw - you are the worst teacher this world has ever been subjected to!
~ thank you for teaching me the way you did,,, that was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! much fun mentally. I could do that all day,,, and Seth how you came through that shrink to me was incredible! i knew exactly at that time what you sent through. I went from high alert to ~oh!
Thabk You sincerely.
I need patience,,, (pta.)
jove, jovay, and jovana are, IMHO , actually terrorists using the chatroom format to send coded messages.
God what ever you want you get as long as you and i Yeggy, Jesus, Thee Von Faulkers' and ~Kevin are. please thank you Amen.
Thy Will be done always forever eternally infinately please thank you Amen
Amen. ~
I wish ~pray to you for privacy in everyway please start with you and said written -
In TheE YeaR of Our LorD ~
TwO ThouSanD and EiGht ~
~ TheE 28th of MaY ~
~ On TheeSe DaY ~
~ AMeN ~
God would you show people what it is like to have Triple E virus, West nile virus and then get shot in the back of the head,,, and not be fixed brain-wise on a constant Please thank you amen.
~ To and FfoR ~
~ DeAN BeD@CH@eZ' ~
~ TheE BeaR ~
Quote:God would you show people what it is like to have Triple E virus, West nile virus and then get shot in the back of the head,,, and not be fixed brain-wise on a constant Please thank you amen.
I would have your mainspring checked, its loosened up again
Said above is very painful,,, it' feels like this ~
pretty painfull huh?
Dear Abraham,
Did i pick a bad life to quit sniffing glue?