Logic is not just cause and effect, any set of consistent rules is logic. And the logic of subjectivity is simpler than the rules of tic-tac-toe.
X has a possibility in the future
this possibility is made the present or not, what is called a decision.
then there is the result of the decision
Then the question what made the decision turn out the way it did,
can ony be answered by choosing the answer.
Those are basically the rules of subjectivity.
That is the how saying the painting is beautiful is equally logically valid to saying the painting is ugly. That is how opinions are arrived at, expression of emotion, with free will, thus choosing the answer spontaneously.
The rules for obtaining a fact are quite different. That is cause and effect. There is the moon and a book about the moon containing the facts about it in the form of words, pictures and mathematics. In essence the way the moon is forces what ends up in the book. Facts are in essence a 1 to 1 representation of a thing, a model.
So in creationism there is complete acceptance of opinion in regards to the creator category, the agency of decisions, and complete acceptance of facts, in regards to the creation category, what is chosen.
According to creationism all creation, all material, could alternatively not be. The entire universe could cease to exist, just as well that the universe started to exist. It is chosen.
And if you get deeper into this, then it means that material consists of the laws of nature. The laws of nature are derived from pure mathematics, and pure mathematis is mathematics which is ordered by the zero. The universal constants are part of this ordering in regards to zero, they cannot be otherwise than they are, unless of course much of the entire universe is gone. A universe which is exhaustively described by just 0, does not have any universal constants. So it means the theory of everything is this sort of mathematics. Anything material which exists, or could exist, in principle one can make a 1 to 1 mathematical representation of it.