When is doomsday?
As to the question who gets to heaven. Let's say opinions vary. They equally vary as to the moment when it will be time for everyone to go. The early Christian believed that all souls remained on earth until doomsday, when all reckoning would be taken care of in one go. Later, when a rather long time had passed, the church postulated that everybody was sent up (or down) right after death (so you had better get those last rites!). Protestants later on would like to be admitted to heaven during their lifetime, and so many tried to figure out when doomsday would actually come. We have been living in the "end time" ever since.
When I lived in the Netherlands during the 1980s, I found a booklet, called "The Final Insight" written by a very clever man who had made a thorough study of the bible, quran, Hindu vedas and pseudo-scientific literature from the likes of von Däniken and consorts and coupled all that with predictions made by everybody from alleged ancient Egyptian priests via Nostradamus to modern day psychics. Compiling all the evidence from the past 2000 years, he was able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the end of the world would start in September 1984 with an invasion of West Germany by the Soviet Union, which would lead to nuclear holocaust and the return of Christ. (I found the booklet in a rummage sale in 1985

Interesting detail was that his research had also come to the compelling conclusion that the Dutch were in fact the 13th tribe of Israel and therefore would be given preferential treatment when it came to getting a seat on the spaceships to heaven. Always nice to know, if you happen to be Dutch.