It's an easy (and common) mistake to make, kc; there must have been hundreds of people in Craven's past who went down for trying to out his imagined night-time habits.
I guess that you could go double or nothing; but that might mean that you would confess your love to Occom for two months rather than one. Look on the bright side; this might be the start of something beautiful.
Drom, it's only for a week, not a month. And I'm not going double or nothing. Maybe Bill will challenge Craven, but I'm not. At least not right away.
Besides the fact that I'm only average at best, it has been kind of a pain keeping track of this damn game.
Craven, okay. I have my board corrected. I'll be back with a move.
Okay, out of those moves you suggested before, I picked c8 to c6. So now you have taken my rook with your f6 to e7, and my next move is...
game over
you are forced to move:
and I move h7-f7 for the checkmate.
Here ya go your new sig:
OCCOM BILL nobody loves me like you do not even Gus, I ain't got ****-else to that helps when I'm depressed. I even have your name tatooed across my chest.
You suck. Okay, one damn week with this idiotic sig, starting now.
Congratulations, Craven! When did you start practicing your chess?
Do I sense a Drom/Craven match in the not-too-distant future?
Yeah, Craven, I'd like to know just how good you are now that I've gotten my ass kicked. You must play a lot. Good game, ya bastid.
I can sense that I would be trashed if I played Craven, but I'm up for it, whenever.
Why's that queer little loser got my name across his chest?

Not that I'm not flattered, but what am I being punished for?
This is going to be a tough week.
Has anyone else commented on your 'declaration,' KC?
Not yet. I'm sure it's coming though.
dròm_et_rêve wrote:Congratulations, Craven! When did you start practicing your chess?
I don't really have anyone to practice with. I learned to play around 2000 or 2001.
It was a good idea to create this thread, then; although, from visualising the board whilst you and kicky played, this idea is more taxing-- needing, perhaps, more consideration.
As for me, I learnt when I was young, and then had to neglect it due to the burden of my work, but I still remember some of my prior techniques. If you want a game, I'll be ready to play anytime, (despite the time difference.)
Ok, I'll take ya up on that. But gimme a day or two. I'll be very busy shortly.