Cycloptichorn wrote:The announcement by Ridge didn't give any information on what any citizen should do, at all.
Continuing in this vein, even though it's off-topic (sorry about that)...
Craven, in another thread, wrote:Every since I heard they had his general location down this year I've been mulling a timed Osama delivery for the elections.
Count me amongst the howling skeptics. See, I will have as much problem with this as I do Ridge's panic attack today.
And, like, a
realllly big problem if they decide to cancel elections on account of terrorist attack.
As a matter of fact, let's take a look at the Department of Homeland Security: What is its purpose? And further, what does the alert system accomplish? (This is going to have a bit of a free-associative quality about it. Sorry about that, too. I've got thoughts bubbling out of my head 90 to nothing today.)
Does anyone think that the average citizen of this country can do anything about an impending terror attack from a well-financed group of international terrorists?
Don't we have to work? Don't we need to "put food on our family?" Don't we need to keep feeding the engine of our consumer economy?
Don't you think that this administration knows that?
Doesn't something on the order of 40% of our tax dollars already go to defense?
So why do I need to buy duct tape and plastic sheeting?
I don't have any anti-terrorist qualifications. I can sell the Cheney out of an annuity, but if Mr. Saalem bin-Extremist makes a run at my home, about the only response I'd have is "Just wait until the federal government gets here, buddy!"
And don't give me that Shiite about being vigilant. Vigilance begins at our borders, our ports, and our airports.
If I have to take up the fight against terrorists, toe to toe, then why do I pay so much of my income to someone else to do it? And if that's what needs to be done, then don't flash a yellow signal on the TV screen only to tell me you don't have any "specific information that you can share with the public".
"Just be wary, and be vigiliant..."
Oh. I should be afraid, I guess. I'll just let the government do what it needs to do...
What's the point? What purpose does the "Terror Alert" serve the general population?
There is NO benefit to us, the citizens.
The purpose of the Homeland Security Department is to disseminate information to the other law enforcement and security agencies throughout the country so that they can prepare for and react to an impending attack.
It's SUPPOSED to enable the sharing of relevant information and resources so individual agencies do not duplicate efforts.
As it turns out, that part of their mission statement isn't working out so well. You see, they don't have enough funding.
But guess what? They have a direct line to the media!
And, they can scare the color-coded **** out of us when ever they want to. With zero oversight and zero accountability.
I'm sorry, friends, but the terror alert system is not designed to be a "Consumer Level" security device. It's not "citizen-centric".
But that's the way it's being used.
I know that we'd all like to know from which direction the bad guys are coming so we can duck at the appropriate time.
Sorry, that's not going to happen.
You'll learn about a terrorist attack in 2 ways:
1) You're running from it.
2) It's on CNN.