Thu 2 Jul, 2015 09:18 am
Bigelow's short "The Set-Up," is a 20-minute deconstruction of violence in film. The film portrays "two men fighting each other as the semioticians Sylvère Lotringer and Marshall Blonsky deconstruct the images in voice-over."[12] Bigelow asked her actors to actually beat and bludgeon each other throughout the film's all-night shoot.[10] Her first full-length feature was The Loveless (1982), a biker film which she co-directed with Monty Montgomery and featured Willem Dafoe in his first starring role. Next, she directed Near Dark (1987), which she co-scripted with Eric Red. In the same year, she directed a music video for the New Order song "Touched by the Hand of God"; the video is a spoof of glam metal imagery.
Why semioticians to watch?
The semioticians are watching to interpret the images of the two men fighting each other in terms of signs and symbols.
Because language wasn't being used?