Sun 4 Jul, 2004 07:03 am
Chocolate covered peanuts or raisins?
You need to have a third option for those of us who are equal opportunity eaters.
Like them both but given a choice I opt for raisinettes.
I like a munch with a crunch.
Are there any chocolate covered carrots?
Chocolate covered carrots. Ugh, that sounds very unappetizing.
Raisins, all the way. In chocolate, or yoghurt, that don't matter. And, if available, chocolate covered black cherries....hmmmm... Trader Joe's...must go...
I love them both, but I voted for raisins.
They both have their advantages and I would never discriminate between one or the other. However, I find peanuts to be superior in taste, assuming they are fresh.
raisins for me
now chocolate coverd almonds, that's the ticket
Raisinettes are my preferance. But, goobers are good too.
Neither. But, chocolate covered cherries, almonds, pretzles.... all good.
Chocolate covered anything is good. I have even had chocolate covered ants when I was in France. Though I would never eat them without the chocolate.
Raisinettes. I once ate a pound of them in less than ten minutes.
Raisinettes. I once ate a pound of them in less than ten minutes.
Raisinettes. I once ate a pound of them in less than ten minutes.
Aghhh, a triple post!
Anyway, I'd go for "Chocosans", which are a variety of chocolate-covered raisins popular over here (or was it "Cocosans"?). They're softer than "Choconuts", and cheaper (50p a pack vs. £1 a pack, respectively).
Chocolate covered cherries are great.
What's up with the triple posts? How does that happen?
littlek wrote:Neither. But, chocolate covered cherries, almonds, pretzles.... all good.
I love chocolate covered almonds!
eoe once ate three pounds of Raisinettes in less than a half hour...
No wonder she has the hiccups.
All right; I've finally snapped. I chose GOOBERS! But that don't mean I love Raisinettes any less.