Tue 29 Jun, 2004 10:18 am
All the proof I need that Iraq sovereignty is just bullshit re elect bush apparently means in the real world that more soldiers will be going, seaparated from their families, being wounded and oh yes, dieing.|top|06-28-2004::23:24|reuters.html
step one: more US boots on the ground in Iraq
step two: Iraq proclaims martial law
The Pentagon had originally planned to reduce the number of American troops in Iraq to approximately 110,000 by now, but continuing security problems compelled officials to maintain a level of about 138,000 troops. Officials have said they planned to maintain that number through the end of 2005.
Oh, that's gonna go over real well. Soveigrnity, my ass!
Yah, how do you like that martial law? Sheesh.
one step forward, three steps back. Let freedom reign.
Handing over sovereignty on the sly and then skipping out of town to avoid the mob kind of takes the flavor out of it, not to mention the legitimacy.
This whole thing is so pissing me off.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thousands more former soldiers could be ordered to Iraq and Afghanistan in addition to 5,600 reservists already set to be called back into active-duty service, the Army said on Wednesday.
The Army is tapping into the Individual Ready Reserve, a rarely used pool now numbering 111,000 former soldiers who remain eligible to be called to active duty for years after completing their voluntary Army commitment and returning to civilian life. Many have been out of uniform for years.
"I would think that there's going to be soldiers who, yes, will be shocked. But I would say that the majority of the soldiers in the IRR today understand that they are in the Army," Col. Debra Cook, head of the Army's Human Resources Command, told a briefing.
I am praying this will not include my brother, who has two young children.
He already gave the army four years. This is ridiculous.