All the people who live there are bloodthirsty

Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2004 11:02 am
My oldest was telling me about a certain website which shows very graphic portrayals of Mid Eastern countries and their supposed judicial system. One streaming video shows a man being punished for something or other, and this is the punishment: His entire arm is secured to a board. A hooded swordsman then proceeds, ever so slowly, to slice his arm up; first the tips of the fingers are sliced off in one fell swoop, then the hand, then halfway up the wrist, etc. You get the picture. In the meantime, the townspeople are cheering an enjoying the show. We discussed how different these people are from what we generally think of as the way we are (barring torturing our perceived enemies and shooting each other in the streets of the USA on a daily basis). I confided to him that, at times, I have had the thought that maybe we should just wipe them all off the face of the earth and be done with it. They will never be civilized if this is what they think of as acceptable punishment for crime, and they're certainly not gonna be willing or able to handle democracy, western style.
The thought of thousands of people gathering to watch something like that spectacle is sickening and makes the situation seem hopeless, right? We will never get anywhere with people who see torture as entertainment and who are so brutal as to enjoy the spectacle, right?
Well, no.
It is only if we allow our base thoughts to be our only thoughts, if we don't think beyond those knee-jerk reactions of disgust and hopelessness, then we're not thinking so well. These are what I call my "conservative moments"; the base thoughts I have before thinking things through. We could show a video of hundreds of thousands of people at an anti-war rally, or a civil rights rally, and maybe people in other countries would think "Oh, those americans all hate war, they all want civil rights. Would that be correct? Fraid not!
We've seen large groups in America enjoying lynching blacks, burning crosses and being electrocuted, but we don't all enjoy or agree with those activities, do we? We see thousands at anti-abortion rallies, but we're not all anti-abortion. We see thousands at Gay Pride parades, but we're not all bursting with pride, are we?
See my point?
They're not all bloodthirsty bastards, but we can sure be easily convinced that they are, can't we? Remember to think. Idea
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Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2004 11:27 am
Very thoughtful post suzy. The easy way out would be to paint everyone of Middle Eastern culture with a broad brush. Label them as all 'kooky fundamentalists'. Of course, that would be wrong to do. As you pointed out so eloquently in your post, all Americans cannot and should not be judged by those Americans that are seen on the newscasts. Those people do not represent Americans as a whole, but a fragment of them. That is what so troubles me about George W. Bush. People from other nations see him and believe that he and his ideology represent ALL Americans...which could not be further from the truth.

My beautician immigrated from Iran ten years ago with her husband (he is a doctor). I saw her yesterday and we always have fascinating discussions. When we talk about our children, our husbands, our lives in general...we are very similar in so many ways. She shares the same hopes, dreams, fears, problems that I have.

Only those weak or narrow minded people who aren't capable of looking beyond the color of a persons skin, the religion they practice, or the clothes they wear, the language they speak, the food they eat...can be easily convinced that all Middle Easterners are bad and should be exterminated. The 9/11 hijackers thought that of Westerners and you see what they did. Crying or Very sad

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the reincarnation of suzy
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2004 11:59 am
My beautician immigrated from Iran ten years ago with her husband (he is a doctor). I saw her yesterday and we always have fascinating discussions. When we talk about our children, our husbands, our lives in general...we are very similar in so many ways. She shares the same hopes, dreams, fears, problems that I have.

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Rick d Israeli
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2004 12:20 pm
Same here. I once spoke to a girl from school who's parents had fled from Iran. She wants to become a doctor, and she too was concerned about the English test the next day, and the clothes she wears. Just normal things, as all Dutch youth. I have to confess I live in a real white neighborhood (the only foreigners here are Chinese people, and they do too comprise only a small minority), so the talk with her was one of many eye-openers.
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Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2004 12:38 pm
Life would be so boring if we only interacted with people who were exactly like ourselves. I enjoy people of other cultures. Each has something different to offer me, to teach me...and I offer them the same things in return. What a wonderful way to get a new perspective of the world. And also to realize, that underneath all the exterior stuff, the influences each of us lives with and sometimes have to overcome, we are human beings and that our God is one in the same...we just call the God of our faith by a different names.

Individuals can get along just fine. It's the governments that interfere and start wars. Crying or Very sad
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