Thu 23 Apr, 2015 01:08 am
Let's try this again, and see if we can get a discussion going without the right wing political rectitude gestapo trashing the thread.
I truly do not understand why so many men are terrified of women, vilify them all the time, beat, rape and murder them. What are they afraid of? When one considers just how dangerous society is for women, i am amazed at the ordinary courage they display on a daily basis--just to go out of the house into public may well be taking their lives in their hands.
I like 'em . . . we need more of them.
I like women because they are not obsessed by food like most men are.
They also have a much more interesting shape.
Disclaimer: This post does not represent the true opinions of the poster, apart from the shape observation, and was merely an attempt at humour. Any scientific inaccuracies were totally unintentional and any vegetarians who take offence at meatist comments contained in this post can go and suck on a bit of kale until they feel better.
Quote:suck on a bit of kale
Kale with ribs? Yes please.
"Dave can cook his own damn ribs" ... I like the idea of a man in the kitchen.
I guess I'm always bare foot.
R E S P E C T ........................... That song should be the symbol of how a woman needs ,to be treated.
I can cook burgers . . . better yet, i can call for delivery . . . when are the extra women going to arrive?
Anybody can make a better burger than you will find around here. A mountain of bread, some vegetables, and a hunk of crumbly ground beef. The whole thing being so tall they are now routinely served with steak knives. People routinely cut them into pieces like an odd looking steak. They have missed the entire sandwich concept.
I have noticed something.
Anyone who puts veggies on my burger is in a whole heap of trouble . . . unless, of course it is a comely young lady . . . then i probably won't even notice what i'm . . . what i'm . . . what were we talking about?
I don't mean anything in particular. Just making a statement in general.
Stranger things have happened.
I joked before that some of my best friends are women. Taking stock just now, I realize most of them are of the female type gender. I realized a long time ago that a man and a woman can be friends without having affairs or doing anything their partner would disapprove.
Setanta wrote:
I like 'em . . . we need more of them.
Dunno, man. Wouldn't their value go down? Supply and demand and the like.
True, but have you ever noticed that men and women have slightly different ways of talking to each other than if they were of the same sex.
Sure they do. In the end, they are they and we are we.
Women seem to have been blessed with greater personal flexibility to adversity and overall possess better survival skills. Add to that having bestowed on them the miracle of being able to give birth, and some men have such a fragile ego, they feel the need to conquer or stupidly assert their physicality. After all the power their mothers had over them when they were vulnerable (from birth onward), seems to have distorted them with competitive envy.
Oh yeah, and then add to this a sad trait of war-mongering with neighbors or nations that are interpreted as a threat - a life-shortening trait.
Really, Setanta?
You want to try this again?
I am game.