I take this as tongue-in-cheek, but apparently you're locked into a pissing contest with Set so I'll refrain from making any commentary that feeds that behavior.
I will comment on this part: what is not tongue-in-cheek in my commentary is
my own opinion. This opinion hurts no one. If you don't like what I wrote, feel free to scroll past it.
Quote:Aren't these gender stereotypes harmful?
Frankly, no, there's no harm. We are a democratic (small d) society and, as such, continue to prosper on all sort of ideas and opinions. The fact that you don't seem to recognize humor and can't handle different opinions from you own speaks about where you are at than it does about me or our current dire circumstances as a nation.
Listening to campaign rhetoric and thinking it really is where these candidates are or will be when elected is dealing with fantasy. Look at the track records of respective administrations and campaign rhetoric of Dubya and Bubba Clinton as examples. So if Hillary sounds like a warmonger, look at it for what this is...posturing...and spin-meisters feel this is marketing and what it will take to get her elected. also, it is designed as posturing to the world powers to perhaps make us look like we might be electing a powerful leader. Another wasted effort and at best..more empty posturing designed for the gullible electorate.
It seems to me that in a progressive society ...
Reality and history shows us that we are not in a progressive society, despite what the wishes of some of us would like. We keep falling backwards as far as a progressive power goes. And that is more or less due to having an electorate who keeps electing spineless politicians who respond more to PACs and polls and the moneyed minority. What we appear to have at the moment is a paralyzed governmental logjam.